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H2H - Thrust on the Mius

Thrust on the Mius Image
Campaign Series Ladder

Thrust on the Mius V.2.0

By David Galster
Rating: 7.6 (2)
Filesize: 70.78 KB
Games in Progress: 0
First Side: Allies
SM: 7
Turns: 30
Type: Historical
Second Side: Axis
[Dmitrovka, Ukraine][H2H][HIS] [ALL:N VV] As the war wore on, the Red Army tended to prefer simpler attack tactics, and more frequently employed single thrusts against long defensive lines. Double envelopment attacks required high coordination, and middle level officers with initiative and ability to deal with unexpected problems. This the Russians did not have. They favored a broader lateral scope and more conservative execution. Breakthrough and penetration became the basic tactical maneuver. On a few key occasions, they employed deep thrusts for a decisive effect. Breakthrough required massed artillery and armor. By 1943, the Russians vastly expanded their artillery capabilities, and unified their armor in tank and mechanized corps. Also the Russians came to rely on deception and surprise, known as "maskirovka" more than even choice of direction or main effort. This battle is an example of both the "maskirovka" and single thrust attack, in which the 2nd Guards Mechanized Corps attacked across the Mius through Dmitrievka. The preparations were done without regard to basic security measures, including radio transmissions. Southern Front Commander, Tolbukhin intended for the Germans to expect the attack, for the primary objective of the Mius Thrust was to draw German mobile reserves out of the Kursk sector. In the early morning of July 17, the German line, defended by the 306. and 294. Infanterie Divisions, came under heavy attack, and were ulitmately forced back to make a stand at Marinovka.
Finished games
Otto von Blotto' avatar Otto von Blotto Boisforas Boisforas' avatar
Test ratings
Member Balance Enjoyment Briefings
Otto von Blotto' avatarOtto von Blotto 7 7 9
Boisforas' avatarBoisforas 8 8 9
Otto von Blotto
Brigadier General
Otto von Blotto Sun Mar 08, 2015 1:18 pm
The Result of the game
Major Victory

My Side

Turns Played

Balance and Enjoyment
Very enjoyable to play but due to the nature of the game (a night assault against very well defended positions) balance is going to be hard to quantify.

Victory Conditions
Obtainable for the allies as long as casualties don't mount to high.

Map & Terrain
A very good map, modeled really well.

Historical Introduction
Top class, very informative gave feeling and depth to the battle, well written and understandable.

Game Length
For us it was a little long as it stands.

Force Mix
Good and interesting force for the allies, nice mix of unit types and equipment. Allies have a lot of artillery and mortar units. Good amount of engineers to clear paths in the extensive minefields

Initial Setup
Fine all units well positioned and follow on troops in order ready to deploy.

What I really liked about this scenario
A set piece night assault against very prepared and well defended potions, lots of time and space to pick approaches and assault points.

What I really did not like about this scenario
Not much but I think the Axis need a little more help balance wise.

Any other comments
I think the axis need something in reserve either as units fixed around the rear VH or as reinforcements as once the line is broken it's all over for them very quickly.

Major General
Boisforas Mon Mar 09, 2015 5:39 pm
The Result of the game
Major Loss

My Side

Turns Played

Balance and Enjoyment
tough nightime defensive struggle pitting a well equipt Soviet against a dug in, mined opponet well supplied with ATGs

Victory Conditions

Map & Terrain

Historical Introduction
Spot on

Game Length
Could be a little shorter to hurry-up the Sovs

Force Mix
Sovs good, Axis good

Initial Setup

What I really liked about this scenario
Good Axis defensive arty fire

What I really did not like about this scenario
Axis needs more of a inf based reinforcement along with more mobile anti-tank elements

Any other comments
Very good scenario