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Oldest gamer - Printable Version

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Oldest gamer - Montana Grizz - 01-09-2007

I noticed Falkenhayen's post about who might be the youngest gamer and read that there are some teens currently involved.

The post begs the question, "Who is the oldest gamer"?

I am 62, but I can't blame my poor start on my age, since I am currently under no heavy medication. I wish I were, but life if full of little disappointments.

Of course, I was under heavy medication in the 60's and perhaps their are some lingering effects Eek

RE: Oldest gamer - Relayer - 01-09-2007

LOL!:happy:That 's Good Pat!!Eek

RE: Oldest gamer - K K Rossokolski - 01-09-2007

Montana -you're a babe in arms, compared to my age which is a secret about which I am coy.


RE: Oldest gamer - Montana Grizz - 01-09-2007

I want to hang out with you KKR.

If I'm a babe in arms compared to your age, then you are probably taking unfair advantage of the rest of us by playing the games using first-hand experience :)

I'm glad to hear that I'm not the senior member. I always wanted to be the senior member on the union list, but I kept getting laid off everytime there was a slack in business.

It took me 14 years to get my 10 year benefits Cry

Well, I've always said that age is relative. But, I'm starting to run out of relatives that are older than I am :smoke:


RE: Oldest gamer - Big Dawg - 01-09-2007

Rod might say he is a elder statesman, but you should see him apply his Aussie charm on the young American waitresses at the steakhouse.

Quick like a cobra too!

RE: Oldest gamer - K K Rossokolski - 01-09-2007

Gee whiz, Jack, I might be elder, but I have never claimed to be a statesman!! As for the chick at the statehouse ......er steakhouse, she was a sweetie, and I did fancy my chances -had I been 30 years younger
That was a good night cheers

And Montana Mud -are you from Montana??

All this garbage and we still havent yettracked down the oldest Blitzer!!


RE: Oldest gamer - K K Rossokolski - 01-09-2007

Sorry MT Mud, I meant Montana Grizz. Are you both from Montana?


RE: Oldest gamer - Montana Grizz - 01-09-2007

Both Montana Mud and I (Montana Grizz) live in Montana. He lives in the Northern part of the state and I live in the Southern part.

We've know each other for over 40 years and Mud got me started playing here.

RE: Oldest gamer - Hawk Kriegsman - 01-09-2007

Hello All,

I believe the oldest Blitzer is Pip Roberts who is in his 80's.



RE: Oldest gamer - John Given - 01-11-2007

Wow - I've got games going with both Rod and Pip Roberts (Jim Watt is his real name) - I feel like a kid again!
