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A Life Time to Play CM - Printable Version

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A Life Time to Play CM - Zemke - 03-07-2007

For those of you who who plan on playing this game a very long time you may.....IF you opponent's return rate averages one file a week. Which means for a 50+ turn game, equals 150+ files sent and recieved, divided by 2, equals 75+ weeks or one and half years. Just something to think about if you think a turn once a week is fine. Although I have no room to talk, it took me and Andre over a year to complete one game of ours, I sort of fell off the CM wagon onto the WITP gutter for a while.

RE: A Life Time to Play CM - Hedgehog - 03-07-2007

I for one wouldn't play any body if all they could manage was one return a week...In fact they shouldn't be playing the game in the first place,
To me that's a complete lack of interest.

Age is Wisdom

RE: A Life Time to Play CM - Copper - 03-07-2007

Im glad I dont qualify as a turn a day guy... hell me and Zemke have been rattling out at least 5 turns a day give or take.

RE: A Life Time to Play CM - Hedgehog - 03-07-2007

Talking return rate...What do you feel is the accepted figure.
My self 7 returns is good, 3/4 per week is proberly more acceptable
and realistic....We are talking per week here.

What ever you do, do it wisely and bear in mind
the out come.

RE: A Life Time to Play CM - Colonel Talvela - 03-08-2007

I think 1 per day should be minimum (with exceptions for circumstances/RL issues of course). I can often knock out 3/4 per day.

RE: A Life Time to Play CM - The Coil - 03-08-2007

A lot of times it depends on where my opponent is at and when he plays. Someone in the same time zone who is at his computer when I am, we can knock out 5 turns. Someone halfway around the world who is playing while I'm sleeping, more like a turn a day. Less than a turn every day or two, and I start getting bored with the game and making stupid moves - it's a pain waiting three weeks for your brilliant plan to develop.

RE: A Life Time to Play CM - Landser34 - 03-08-2007

I almost always can do at least 2 turns a day per game

RE: A Life Time to Play CM - Zemke - 03-08-2007

One a day or 4-5 a week should be the standard and if you cannot manage that then you should say so up front. If I can return files from Asscrackistan for 20+ games with a crappy Internet during my evening time, then surely people who have fast Internet in the Real World can at least do one file return a day. Granted most of you have those things called wives and kids to attend to also, which I don't have to worry about at the moment....but I do have a boss who calls me at all hours of the day and night on my cell, damn Colonels! Sorry HerrOberst...:)

RE: A Life Time to Play CM - Fubar - 03-08-2007

Surely thats the whole point of the 'PBEM turn rate' rating on your membership page, just check that for a rough idea of how often they will get files out to you.

RE: A Life Time to Play CM - USS Wyoming - 03-08-2007

OK, how about PBEM Helper's "trust mode" that let's you shave some turns from the game. Has anybody used it in that fashion and does it make the games play faster (it should)?

I would love to give it a try and see if it would speed things up. Naturally, I can trust all of you.

USS Wyoming