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New AAR sub-forum - Printable Version

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New AAR sub-forum - McIvan - 06-12-2007

Ladies (in the unlikely even that there are any) and gentlemen.....may I direct your attention to the new AAR sub-forum, which really is intended to run off the tactics forum but I see it is displaying on the main board.

It is intended to give a more accessible place to put your after action reports....the Game Action section of the Blitz tends to be a little, um, remote, I guess, from the normal traffic of the CM forum.

This is a bit of an experiment.....if it doesn't get much use, it will go the way of the Dodo.

A good AAR takes a fair bit of work, but also is quite rewarding to look back on. I always enjoy reading AARs and hope that our members will take the time to contribute a write-up of an exciting game.

When I get some time, I will try to post a bit of a how-to on incorporating screenshots into your AARs.....they always add a lot of flavour.

First up we have Colonel Talvera and The Coil's During Action Reports. I will also be posting a DAR of my side of the action in a game between me and hirr Leto.

May we see many many more contributions!

RE: New AAR sub-forum - Colonel Talvela - 06-12-2007

Actually it is a sub-forum of the tactics, but it also displays from the main forum - strange.

RE: New AAR sub-forum - RedDevil - 06-12-2007

yeh I don't know why but it's all good :)


I do wonder if it will pass the Coil's rigid Clicky fest assurance test tho..

RE: New AAR sub-forum - Copper - 06-12-2007

Can you not make it display in only one area??

RE: New AAR sub-forum - McIvan - 06-12-2007

Yep, it's all good. Though we might as well make it a sep sub-forum if its going to display on the main page regardless....because as it is, the last post info box is displaying twice, for the AAR forum and the tactics forum.

RE: New AAR sub-forum - RedDevil - 06-12-2007

Fixed :) now get some people posting in it! :)

RE: New AAR sub-forum - Colonel Talvela - 06-12-2007

well not completely fixed. last post in the AAR forum is still showing up on the tactics forum

RE: New AAR sub-forum - RedDevil - 06-12-2007

no idea why it's doing that as it's not longer a sub forum of the tactical area, I'll have to look in the DB I guess..

*** edit fixed the damn thing now :) except for your last post display CT


RE: New AAR sub-forum - PoorOldSpike - 06-12-2007

Aargh, I just tried posting something in Tac Discussion but it wouldn't go in (sniffle)
Also the CT Attacking Coil thread appears in the AAR Forum and in the Tac Discussion Forum, maybe there's a glitch somewhere..
PS -The trouble seemed to start when the new AAR forum appeared..

RE: New AAR sub-forum - RedDevil - 06-12-2007

i recalculated the DB and posted in tact forums this am with a test post
let me know ASAP if you cannot post now.