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H2H approved scenario - Winter Dawn - Printable Version

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H2H approved scenario - Winter Dawn - Herr Schacht - 09-21-2007

Attention members: Soldier's CMBB scenario "H2H-Winter Dawn" is approved and available for download. Thank you, Soldier, and all the playtesters.

H2H-Winter Dawn
30 Turns
Feb 43
Late winter of 1943 somewhere in Northern Russia, Stavka has ordered a series of carefully chosen probes. These probes are aimed at locating poorly maned enemy positions, for launching an early spring offensive, in the area. One of these carefully selected places, is an obscure sleepy little village, occupied by a battle weary German force.


Herr Schacht

RE: H2H approved scenario - Winter Dawn - Koen - 09-21-2007

Congrats...it's a GOOD feeling right?

Have 1 myself 'Koen - The Vill' but I can't transfer since people are still testing it


RE: H2H approved scenario - Winter Dawn - Soldier - 09-21-2007

Yes, great feeling, being my first one.. :-)
It took some coaxing on my part, to get enough games played to get it through..
I even played in several of the test games myself, to speed things up a bit.

RE: H2H approved scenario - Winter Dawn - Koen - 09-21-2007

Soldier Wrote:Yes, great feeling, being my first one.. :-)
It took some coaxing on my part, to get enough games played to get it through..
I even played in several of the test games myself, to speed things up a bit.

IMHO...that is NOT the way to do it...as designer you can never play your own scenario as if it's all new to you...how about balance?...how about the units you have to play with...

RE: H2H approved scenario - Winter Dawn - Soldier - 09-22-2007

I did not comment on the results.
That meant only one comment per game. Therefore two games were played this way, to get the two necessary commentaries, etc..
All I did by doing so, is to get two test games done, that would otherwise never take place.
It takes two test players to play one game.. :-)

RE: H2H approved scenario - Winter Dawn - Koen - 09-22-2007

ok, I know that it takes 2 to rockcheers

but how can your opponent rate the balance when the designer is on the other end of the table?

you know your reinforcements, you know what he has to play with so it's impossible to be a neutral opponent, not?

RE: H2H approved scenario - Winter Dawn - Soldier - 09-22-2007

I took care of all that before game start.
Instructed my opponents to look the game over from both sides, study it in detail and choose their side as well.
Doing so, I assured that both of us had the same exact knowledge about the scenario, before hand.
In other words, my games were not blind games.. :-)

RE: H2H approved scenario - Winter Dawn - Herr Schacht - 09-22-2007

In the spirit of Barry Bonds, do we need an asterisk here? Just kidding!

Thanks to all who are testing and participating.

RE: H2H approved scenario - Winter Dawn - Koen - 09-22-2007

so your opponent knew what forces you had?Eek

RE: H2H approved scenario - Winter Dawn - Soldier - 09-22-2007

And he had the first choice on sides too.
Therefore it was fair game in that regard. I mean chess games are fair, weren't they!?
Both sides know exactly what each has, etc..

Besides, the only true and 100 percent blind game, is a QB game.
There's no way one can make absolutely sure, that a scenario will played blind anyway.. :-)