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Setting Op fire - Printable Version

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Setting Op fire - Montana Grizz - 01-31-2010

I realize there are unit specific settings for a variety of reasons.

However, my query is more general.

At the beginning of a scenario, how do you set your various units?

Thank you,


RE: Setting Op fire - Smedley - 01-31-2010

My general settings are:

Armor medium range vs armor, off vs everything else.
At guns medium vs armor, off vs everything else.
Infantry long vs armor, short vs soft, medium vs infantry.


RE: Setting Op fire - Cam - 01-31-2010

Hi All
First I like to click on a empty hex. Then hit " d " on the keyboard to bring up global op fire from there
I learnt this the hard way against Laza :) He informed me of this option as I could not figure out why some units would not fire even after I set them individually, they were over-rided by the global effect !

RE: Setting Op fire - Scud - 02-01-2010

John Given taught me years ago to turn off op fire for all HQ's. That's the only constant I do routinely now, right in the beginning. Most AT's I switch to short or medium, 88's I'll leave alone. Infantry I put on short for armor, or none and usually keep whatever the other defaults are, changing them as the game goes.

I knew about the global effect, but I never change it. Probably one reason why I lose a lot. Think I need to start paying more attention to that.


RE: Setting Op fire - Montana Grizz - 02-01-2010

Thank you Cam,

The "d" thing is very cool.


RE: Setting Op fire - Von Earlmann - 02-02-2010

(02-01-2010, 04:34 AM)Scud Wrote: John Given taught me years ago to turn off op fire for all HQ's. That's the only constant I do routinely now, right in the beginning. Most AT's I switch to short or medium, 88's I'll leave alone. Infantry I put on short for armor, or none and usually keep whatever the other defaults are, changing them as the game goes.

I knew about the global effect, but I never change it. Probably one reason why I lose a lot. Think I need to start paying more attention to that.


Setting the armor op-fire at short for infantry is the same as never..........last I knew they would only op-fire against armor at the long range........learned this the hard way against Umbro.....his halftracks ran all over the map and my infantry never once fired....he did expalin it to me tho........after he gave me a butt whoopin".....:-)


RE: Setting Op fire - Nort - 02-02-2010

I learned that lesson playing Umbro too. If you want infantry to op fire into an adjacent hex against enemy armor, you have to set the infantry op fire vs. hard targets to long range. Any other setting defeats op fire by infantry against armor.

RE: Setting Op fire - Scud - 02-03-2010

Earl and Nort, no wonder I lose a lot! I have to check, but I believe I'm playing a game now where I've set panzertroops to short in ambush positions and they've been firing (with great results I might add). Might that be the override Cam talks about?


RE: Setting Op fire - Crossroads - 02-03-2010

The hints-and-tips manual Jason Petho has kindly put together (located in \manuals folder under games root folder) discusses the Op Fire settings in a manner even a noob such as I was able to understand.

Highly recommended reading to anyone who hasn't read it yet!

It is not perfect, though! Had to learn how to target an Ost platoon for Air Attack the hard way :( (Answer: set the cross hair over an armoured target instead... :P )

RE: Setting Op fire - Remko van den Berg - 02-04-2010

something what I consider "good tactics"
is having i.e. two infantry units in the same hex
one with OP-fire switched off (hard soft and other) and one with OP-fire as discussed previously. The first unit is only a spotter. Your opponent will most likely think he has seen all units in that hex when unit# 2 has fired his op fire. you might lose unit#2 but your opponent will advance towards that HEX and reveal him self into LOS

this gives you an excellent oppertunity in the second turn

even if he does spot the unit#1 (OP-fire off) by trying to capture this HEX (unit#1 = revealed) he probably doesn''t have enough AP left to disrupt and assault unit#1

another "good tactic" is switching your OP-fire setting after the OP-fire has been tirggered by your opponent
it makes your play less predictable
