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Can someone delete/update the dead scenarios? - Printable Version

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Can someone delete/update the dead scenarios? - Bear - 06-17-2010

Sorry to bring this up here, but after three attempts to post this in the Suggestions Dept. and this request never appears?

"Dead" meaning scenarios that are unavailable for download.
We all know there are more dead scenarios on the Combat Mission Lists than live ones.
It would help our club appearance and hopefully boost scenario game play at the same time, ehh.

RE: Can someone delete the dead scenarios? - Der Kuenstler - 06-17-2010

Just because a scenario is unavailable for download here, it doesn't mean it is dead. A person can often google the scenario and get it elsewhere after reading about it. That's why we like to leave them all in there.

RE: Can someone delete the dead scenarios? - Bear - 06-18-2010

(06-17-2010, 01:44 PM)Der Kuenstler Wrote: Just because a scenario is unavailable for download here, it doesn't mean it is dead. A person can often google the scenario and get it elsewhere after reading about it. That's why we like to leave them all in there.

Then why not upload the scenario after you've retrieved it?
Is there a reason not to share these scenarios by posting them at The Blitz? I dunno? I'm just a member, not a club officer, so I guess I'm naive about these matters. I'm only concerned about our image and having a working list of scenarios for our club.
The perception created by having information about a scenario that isn't here, is not favorable to our club image, ehh.
When tourists or lurkers see dead or corrupted lists that usually means there is no maintenance of the lists, hence they have been corrupted.
Please tell me if I'm wrong or where I misunderstand the purpose of our site and club.

RE: Can someone delete the dead scenarios? - Ratzki - 06-18-2010

I kind of agree with you Bear. Might it be possoble to note scenarios that are not here at theBlitz, but at other locations?

RE: Can someone delete the dead scenarios? - Der Kuenstler - 06-18-2010

(06-18-2010, 10:18 AM)Bear Wrote: Then why not upload the scenario after you've retrieved it?TIA

No reason not to - I assume people just get in a hurry to register the scenario so they can report it and then don't take the time to upload it. I agree it would be better if it was uploaded. That is something all of us can do to help improve the club - by clicking on the scenario, then "modify scenario" then upload it yourself.

Ratzki - The scenarios that are available here are already noted in the last column when you look at the list of scenarios - it will say "download" if available here.

RE: Can someone delete the dead scenarios? - Bear - 06-19-2010

This "sharing" of scenarios by players uploading scenarios into other sites by people not affiliated with the scenario or the source club/site has been going on for years. I know this because someone here at The Blitz sent me a thank you for some Campaign Series scenarios I posted years ago at The Depot. They were uploaded here and I didn't know it till few months ago.
Likewise, I've gotten emails from Germany, Russia etc clubs that thanked me for my scenarios. When I had no idea that these clubs/sites existed nor had anything to do with my stuff being loaded except for the counter on our site that tracks Downloads.

Now, if I can only get .99 USD for each download... :rolleyes:

The issue remains that we ought to set a deadline and clean out the dead scenarios for the sake of our club's presentation and reputation as a bona fide Combat Mission club. The clutter in our lists overwhelms anyone coming to our club for research or membership. Time to take out the garbage, ehh?
(06-18-2010, 11:07 AM)Ratzki Wrote: I kind of agree with you Bear. Might it be possoble to note scenarios that are not here at theBlitz, but at other locations?

Me thinks that too laborious a task.

RE: Can someone delete the dead scenarios? - Dog Soldier - 06-19-2010

(06-18-2010, 11:07 AM)Ratzki Wrote: I kind of agree with you Bear. Might it be possoble to note scenarios that are not here at theBlitz, but at other locations?

It is policy here at the blitz to have written consent from the owner of the mod before posting a copy of it here for download. Be sure to do this. I would be respectful of the owner and even have permission to create a link to where the mod is stored if the owner does not want multiple copies on different sites. Our DB has a field for any scenario marked as custom to store such a link.

The biggest reason a scenario can not be removed from the DB is if it has a single game report. Once there is a game report the scenario entry stays forever.

Dog Soldier

RE: Can someone delete the dead scenarios? - Bear - 06-20-2010

(06-19-2010, 04:38 AM)Dog Soldier Wrote:
(06-18-2010, 11:07 AM)Ratzki Wrote: I kind of agree with you Bear. Might it be possoble to note scenarios that are not here at theBlitz, but at other locations?

It is policy here at the blitz to have written consent from the owner of the mod before posting a copy of it here for download. Be sure to do this. I would be respectful of the owner and even have permission to create a link to where the mod is stored if the owner does not want multiple copies on different sites. Our DB has a field for any scenario marked as custom to store such a link.

The biggest reason a scenario can not be removed from the DB is if it has a single game report. Once there is a game report the scenario entry stays forever.

Dog Soldier

"forever" does not compute in database schemes. That notion is close to an oxymoron as I can imagine. The inevitable outcome is that the scenario lists will become irrelevant in less that two years time. I have scanned our lists, being a scenario designer looking for comments etc. about my wares, and right now there are MORE DEAD Scenarios than downloadable ones on the Combat Mission Scenario Lists. The ratio, I've not calculated, but it has increased close to a factor of 100% in the past year. It is too soon for me to determine if is this growing corruption of the database is an arithmetic or geometric progression, and that is if the trend remains the same. And no one can predict that.
So the question is whether to fix and control the lists now or watch, monitor the downward spiral of legitimacy of our Combat Mission Scenario Lists. In addition, many scenarios listed were not fully described by the person uploading (lazy or stupid) and those scenarios cannot be filtered or sorted by our own scenario search engine.
I believe there is an urgency to deal with these matters. Combat Mission is the biggest single attraction to our club. And if we don't cater to our best customers, lurkers and players then our club is doomed.
There are solutions, is there a club will and focus to get on with it?

RE: Can someone delete the dead scenarios? - Der Kuenstler - 06-23-2010

(06-20-2010, 06:46 AM)Bear Wrote: I believe there is an urgency to deal with these matters. Combat Mission is the biggest single attraction to our club. And if we don't cater to our best customers, lurkers and players then our club is doomed. There are solutions, is there a club will and focus to get on with it?

It's a good idea, Bear, but you are talking about a huge job there. I'd say since you or any member here can upload a scenario by using the "scenario edit" feature, and since you or any member can ask permission of the original author to upload it, then anyone here who feels an urgency to do it can have at it with my blessing.

RE: Can someone delete the dead scenarios? - Bear - 06-24-2010

(06-23-2010, 09:59 AM)Der Kuenstler Wrote:
(06-20-2010, 06:46 AM)Bear Wrote: I believe there is an urgency to deal with these matters. Combat Mission is the biggest single attraction to our club. And if we don't cater to our best customers, lurkers and players then our club is doomed. There are solutions, is there a club will and focus to get on with it?

It's a good idea, Bear, but you are talking about a huge job there. I'd say since you or any member here can upload a scenario by using the "scenario edit" feature, and since you or any member can ask permission of the original author to upload it, then anyone here who feels an urgency to do it can have at it with my blessing.

Then if I volunteer to be the Point Man, I have your authority behind me?
The first step I would take is to email all authors to upgrade and/or complete their listed scenarios within two weeks.
It will not work unless I am supported by a club officer, ehh.