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A modern war mod - Printable Version

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A modern war mod - Wolfgang - 01-24-2011

I've been workin on this mod.
My primary goal was to mod the counters to give them more of a worn tabletop feel and make them visually "pop" a bit more on the screen.
I've also been experimenting with the unit/leader/item/vehicle boxes and hope to have something done on that soon as well.
[Image: c7b68e06cdWulfsMWMod.jpg]

RE: A modern war mod - Mad_Dog - 01-24-2011

Looks good, pass it along to BigRedOne, he'll put it on the TFE4 website.

RE: A modern war mod - TheBigRedOne - 01-25-2011

That is true. When you get a final version of things, drop me a line and I'll put them up on the site for the entire SB community. Just make sure you give any credit to other third-party things that might be included. I do see some of IronX's work in that screen-shot.

RE: A modern war mod - Wolfgang - 01-25-2011

Yep :) i was thinkin on that after posting the above screenie and a few other related things:

1. I wouldn't want to take any credit for anyone else's work and yep i do have a hodgepodge of mods including ironx's fine work. :) I really appreciate ironx's work and so i definitely use parts of his mods in the game (although i actually can't tell what is stock and what is ironx's in my modern war install atm) when i play and some of his graphics do inspire me. Its pure happenstance that my chosen handle "ironwulf", my interest in wargames and modding all kinda come together here and i wasn't aware of ironx until after i got modern war. So I may just reduce my name to Wulf and drop the "iron" part for any mods i make and share.

2. This mod is limited in scope at this time to just the unit/vehicle counters for army, marines and airborne (and perhaps opfor here in the near future). Maybe i should update the screenshot to more accurately reflect that. I just wanted to redo those counters and have no real grand plans to mod much more... although I have a good idea for the booby trap icon, and the unit boxes... plus maybe a few other minor tweaks... which i suppose could lead to "mission creep".^^

3. Anything i put out there will be my own mod creation.

4. I could take out the mods i do have that aren't mine but i do enjoy the look i have now when i am playing.

5. I don't have any plans to mod the underlying game databases in order to create a whole new game... (unless i could twist it all around and create a sci-fi thing.)
(01-25-2011, 12:12 AM)TheBigRedOne Wrote: That is true. When you get a final version of things, drop me a line and I'll put them up on the site for the entire SB community. Just make sure you give any credit to other third-party things that might be included. I do see some of IronX's work in that screen-shot.

Oh and by the way thx Bigredone!

RE: A modern war mod - Wolfgang - 01-25-2011

Hopefully this screenie is a bit more accurate. The mini-mod is available for registered users to check out if they want (hopefully thats not a problem).
[Image: 5756815dfeWulfsModScreen.jpg]

RE: A modern war mod - Wolfgang - 02-04-2011

I've been continuing work on the mod here and there. I actually find the stock graphics to be pretty darn good. I dont wanna overdo any enhancements. I've swapped in various designer's mods into my local install of the game just to check out whats out there. But by and large I found myself reinstalling the original bitmaps except for a few cases.

The area's I wanna work on are the structures, counters, boxes and a few terrain items like brush and fields.

Color tone needs some work still. Scaling of the structures needs a bit of fine tuning. Industrial buildings and villages are next up on my to-do list.

Figured I'd just post a small update.

[Image: 4c24629523WulfsModCitySnap.jpg]

[Image: 7da8af713cWater.jpg]
[Image: 07e12f474abrush.jpg]

RE: A modern war mod - cazart! - 02-05-2011

>Scaling of the structures needs a bit of fine tuning. Industrial buildings and villages are next up on my to-do list

That would be the single biggest enhancement for me. Getting the scaling better.

RE: A modern war mod - Wolfgang - 02-05-2011

Its kinda odd but when i go hiking or walking ill imagine a 40m hex around me (Yes, I am that much of a wargaming geek)...
Which is kinda hard when your used to feet and yards.
But im guessing a 40m hex in real life is about enough space to fit 3-4 'average' family homes (a 3bdrm 2 lvl being about 13m across + surrounding land) in a tight suburban setting or less if they had big yards.

RE: A modern war mod - Wolfgang - 02-06-2011

[Image: 29d3a734absnapshot.jpg]
[Image: d88e7b3980Hard.jpg]
[Image: 6ad54c7c52sand.jpg]
[Image: a4e05e86fdruins.jpg]

RE: A modern war mod - Wolfgang - 02-08-2011

I think i will press on with this project - taking stock i realize i'm further along than i had thought.
In fact I think i'll have even have something approaching a release here soon.