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"Come back here ya coward, it's only a flesh wound..." SFS Round 2 Sitrep Thread!! - Printable Version

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RE: "Come back here ya coward, it's only a flesh wound..."��SFS Round 2 Sitrep Thread!! - Toten Tanz - 06-29-2006

From the Regimental Combat Diary of the 28th/18 Panzer Regiment, Col Eckhardt (Toten Tanz) commanding

Date: July 3, 1941
Location: Lipki, Belarus
Weather: Clear with a slight haze, visibility good.
Entry Time: 12.00 hours (Turn 5)

Cpt. Gebhard took command of the forces around Stayki, and organized a counter attack. 1 Co., I/28 Pz, drove around the Russian left flank, destroying a lone BT-7 in the fields SW of the village. It then engaged 7 BT-7s and two T-34s on the W end of Stayki with cannon fire, destroying 2 and throwing the defenders into confusion. The PzIVs of 3 Co, I/28, led by the Btl CO, Maj Pingel, then assaulted the west end of the village, driving the Russian tanks from their positions. It engaged the fleeing Russians from the rear and destroyed an addtional 3 tanks, including 2 vaunted T-34s. Elements of 2 Co, 88th/18 Recon Btl fired at the fleeing Russian BT-7s, driving the remainder out of the village to the SE. The units on the W end of Stayki consolidated their positions, as another Russian counter attack was expected from the S/SW direction. Maj. Pingel sent an uncoded broadcast across the Regimental radio net detailing the new found weakness of the dreaded T-34s.

The remaining tanks of 2 Plt and the Light Plt, of 4 Co,II/Pz, advanced along the NW edge of Stayki. 2 Plt lost another tank to fire from 2 T-34s located in the village, leaving it with 1 operational tank. The 2 Light Plts from II/28 Pz advanced to add their firepower. They returned fire on exposed BT-7s, throwing them into disarry. The Light Plts also spotted Russian infantry dismounting trucks 250m away on the railway leading into the village from the SE, before they witdrew to form a defensive line N of Stayki.

The Russian tanks fired at the units of I/28 Pz advancing E through Stayki, destroying a PzIVD from 2Plt, 3 Co. The dismounted Russian infantry made an assault against the remaining tank from 2 Plt, 4 Co, II/28 Pz and the 4 Co. Light Plt, but were repusled. At this point, all the remaining Russian armor retreated E approx 1500m. The Russian infantry began to pull back as well. The Russian tanks outpaced the Russian infantry, leaving their withdrawl exposed.

Trucks loaded with infantry had been seen advancing down Lipki Ridge and behind the woods along its base. An estimated company of Motorised infantry was determined to be 1500m SE of Lipki. 1 plt, 5 Co. II/28Pz was sent to investigate, and found the Russian trucks still loaded with infantry. The tanks of the platoon immediately went on line and assaulted the loaded trucks. Cannon and MG fire quickly decimated the Russians, leaving 8 trucks burning and an infantry and MG platoon destroyed. It is estimated that 60-75 enemy troops were killed or wounded.

The remaining Russian trucks hurriedly unloaded the Russian infantry and retreated up Lipki Ridge to the E. Russian tanks appeared and fired on 1 plt. One tank was disabled and had to be left behind, as the rest of the platoon withdrew into the woods at the base of Lipki Ridge. Russian infatry advanced and destroyed the abandonded PzIII.

3 Co, 88th/18 Recon Btl sent a radio report of at least 3 units of KV model tanks and what appeared to be an HQ unit moving on the road S from Pogoditsa. A one platoon of T-26s was seen advancing N towards 3 Co.s positions. Terrain features masked the Russian tanks' movements about 1500m away from 3 Co,s. positions. 1 Co. reported the passage of the T-34s sighted earlier by 3 Co. on the high ground 3KM E of Lipski. Russian forces appeared to be massing for an attack from that direction as well.

2 Co. I/28 Pz was sent to Lipki to bolster the defenses there, while the PzJdg1s of 88th/18 AT Blt. were sent towards Stayki.

German Losses:
1 x PzIIF
11 x PzIII of various models
1 x Pz IV
Cpt. Fegelien - KIA

Russian Losses:
15 x BT-7
2 x T-34M40
8 x Trucks
10 x BA-20
13 x Inf Squads (approx 120-KIA/WIA 0-PW)

RE: "Come back here ya coward, it's only a flesh wound..."��SFS Round 2 Sitrep Thread!! - Rasputin - 06-30-2006

SITREP Turn 13-14....the Finale...

......Finally the call came through from HQ. I can now pull back and let others face the onslaught. Just in time as the enemy had sent a scout AA HT all the way west to our main HQ area and would have killed us all...although an artillery unit in the area wiped it out I am sure it got a report off and Ivans tanks are charging in from the north. We managed to recapture Krupki a short while ago but could only hold for a moment then red tanks and infantry managed to force the defenders back yet again. My surviving crews managed to kill a few more tanks before finally retiring....blackened with soot, blood....exhausted.....I hope to regroup and rearm before facing Herr "Akula" again................

Allied Minor Victory
Allied SP Loss 92 for 429
Axis SP Loss 175 for 803
Sounds like an odd cricket score huh.........

Smoking Metal:
9xT34/43, 24xT34/85, 12xM4/76......and other stuff
2xPzIII, 8xPzIV, 17xPzV, 20xPzVI, 8xJGDPzIV...and LOTS of other stuff!

It was a very entertaining match and I was actually quite lucky to not give up a major defeat....they don't call these guys sharks for nothing! I thought for most of the match that I was going to hold Ed to a draw at worst....and more likely a win for me until I encountered the mass tank assault that in one round captured more of my armor than I think Ed actually destroyed during the entire match........I was slack-jawed watching that replay :P

Anyway....thanks for the lesson pal cheers

Rasputin out......
Who's next :kill:

RE: "Come back here ya coward, it's only a flesh wound..." SFS Round 2 Sitrep Thread - Smedley - 06-30-2006

Hans and Joerg watch as the Russian infantry emerge from the woods again.
Once again the Lynx open fire and drive some off. Sdkfz 251/2 and 251/9 join in the fun.

"Here we go again Hans."

"I am sure glad we are not to the east!" replied Hans.

"Da, it sounds like some heavy fighting to the east."

"The Hauptman is going to wear out that 20mm cannon!"

"I think he's wearing out the Ruskies!"

The crack of a 76mm cannon gets the boys attention.

"That was closer, Joerg"


RE: "Come back here ya coward, it's only a flesh wound..."��SFS Round 2 Sitrep Thread!! - Oberst - 06-30-2006

Sitrep: Oberst vs Macnab

Axis turn 11: More ineffectual aty. In the center of the ridge N of Krupki a PZ IVH plt engaged a rifle plt that had occupied a small hamlet almost in the center of the ridge where it provided excellent LOS to the Western portions of the ridge. One sp was lost and they where forced out of the hamlet but the PZ plt is now at my mercy. In the N, the Tiger plt fired one round and the HT also sprayed the motorcycle plt hiding in the woods with no visible effects. At the far Southern tip of the ridge, the engineer plt advanced, this time accompanied by a Leader.

Allied turn 12: Decided to go after the PZ IV first. A single T34/85 plt moved into position for a rear shot and with one blast destroyed 2 sp's and disrupted the remaining units. The inf plt moved to the W so that now the plt was surrounded. Another T34/85 plt advanced and completed the destruction with a close assault. Scratch one PZ IVH plt of 3 sp's. In the N, I know that the Tiger has but 1 shot left. I had moved two full companies of M4's at the end of the previous turn for the assault against the 10 VP hex. A single M4 plt moved clockwise around to the rear of the Tiger and got next to it to get off one shot with no result. The Tiger then returned fire and knocked out 1 sp. Two more plts now came in from the E and in unison took out 2 sp's and disrupted the Tiger. Another shot finished of the remaining Tiger plt. From the S, another M4 plt moved forward and eliminated the remaining HT's. The 10 VP hex is now ours! To the S, a company of T34/85's engaged the engineer plt, destroying 2 sp's and forcing the remaining units of the ridge. The entire ridge is now in our hands! At the end of Allied turn 12, the Axis have suffered 657 pts lost, the Allies 146 and the score is now at 546 for an Allied Major V. The remaining Axis assets I think are hunkered in Krupki awaiting the final assault.


RE: "Come back here ya coward, it's only a flesh wound..." SFS Round 2 Sitrep Thread - Toten Tanz - 07-01-2006

From the Regimental Combat Diary of the 28th/18 Panzer Regiment, Col Eckhardt (Toten Tanz) commanding

Date: July 3, 1941
Location: Lipki, Belarus
Weather: Clear with a slight haze, visibility good.
Entry Time: 12.30 hours (Turn 6)

The Btl guns of 88th/18 Recon Btl fired two missions in support of the defense of Stayki. The results were ineffectual.

Seeing the exposed Russian infantry, estimated to be of comapny strength, Cpt. Gebhard ordered all units forward. Advancing through the now burning Stayki, set alight by the burning tanks, the Regimental objectives in the village were secured. The PzIVs of 3 Co, I/28 Pz suppressed the enemy infantry, while the tanks from 1 Co. assaluted them. Approx. 80 enemy were Killed or wounded, and 40 captured. A BT-7 was also destroyed in the renewed attack. The surviving Russian units; an understrengthed rifle platoon and 2 machine gun sections, retreated some 500m to the SE along the main road. Two T-34s fired upon the Light Plt, 5 Co, II/28, destroying 2 PzIIs.

After destroying the enemy infantry and the loss of 5 Co's. tanks, Cpt. Gebhard consolidated his postion, some 500m E/SE of Stayki, against attack by the remaing Russian armor to his front. Cpt. Gebhard called for an airstrike on the exposed Russian tanks. He also sent the Russian PWs to the rear under the guard of men from HQ Co, I/28Pz, which had moved forward, into Stayki.

SE of Lipki, after 1 Plt rejoined it, 5 Co. II/28Pz formed a defensive line on the lower reaches of Lipki Ridge. From it's vantage point, it could see any Russian units advancing along the ridge. 2 Co. I/28 Pz formed a defensive line along the edge of the fields E of Lipki. The AT assets in the Lipki area were realigned to meet the expected Russian attacks.

The company commander of 3 Co, 88th/18 Recon Btl prepared his unit for an expected attack by the unseen T-26s. He placed his AT assets in a favorable ambush positon and waited.

The exposed Russian tanks fired at Capt. Gebhard's forces, destroying a PZIII from 2 Plt., 1 Co. I/28 Pz and a PzII from the Light Plt. of 4 Co, II/Pz. They then retreated along the road to Novosady Station.

5 Co. II/28Pz observed Russian armor, 10 T-34s, massing at the upper elevations of Lipki Ridge, along the Moscow Motor Hiway. Intantry was also observed taking up positions in the woods 1500 to the SE of Lipki. The Russian armor that had been seen coming S from Pogodista was observed traversing the high ground to the E of Lipki.

German Losses:
4 x PzIIF
12 x PzIII of various models
1 x Pz IV
Cpt. Fegelien - KIA

Russian Losses:
16 x BT-7
2 x T-34M40
8 x Trucks
10 x BA-20
26 x Inf Squads (approx 200-KIA/WIA 40-PW)

RE: "Come back here ya coward, it's only a flesh wound..."��SFS Round 2 Sitrep Thread!! - Oberst - 07-02-2006

Oberst vs Macnab: Situation after Turn 13

By mutual consent my esteemed opponent has chosen to accept my gracious offer to concede and the Allied forces with a score of 637 lay claim to Major Victory.


RE: "Come back here ya coward, it's only a flesh wound..." SFS Round 2 Sitrep Thread - Toten Tanz - 07-02-2006

From the Regimental Combat Diary of the 28th/18 Panzer Regiment, Col Eckhardt (Toten Tanz) commanding

Date: July 3, 1941
Location: Lipki, Belarus
Weather: Clear with a slight haze, visibility good.
Entry Time: 13.00 hours (Turn 7)

The Luftwaffe arrived overhead, but was unable to locate the Russian armor. They dropped their bombs on exposed Russian infantry, killing or wounding 20.

Cpt. Gebhard ordered a general advance along his entire front. 3 Co., I/28 Pz overran and captured 2 MG sections in the fields 1KM SE of Stayki, then destroyed a solitary infantry squad with cannon fire. The tanks of I/28Pz took up defensive positions, incase of a Russian counter attack. The light Plts of II/28Pz were sent N to rejoin their parent units. At this time, Russian reinforcements arrived E of Stayki. There were at least 31 Russian tanks massing in the area.

The armored cars of 2 Co, 88th/18 Recon Btl swept the orchards on the high ground SE of Stayki for enemy forces, and took a defensive posture in the trees. They were attacked by 7 BT-7s, and suffered no losses. An additional company, or more of BT-7s arrived in the area E of Stayki. More Russian armor could be seen in the distance heading that direction, as well.

Lt. Col. Stulpnagel called in an airstrike on the Russian tanks massing on Lipki Ridge. Shell fire from 3 Co., II/28Pz drove the exposed Russian infantry platoon from its position in the woods SE of Lipki, killing approximatley 10. Col. Eckhardt came forward and took command of 2 Co. I/28 Pz.

A company sized unit of T-26 tanks was sited on the high ground to the E of Lipki. Their postion gave them good fields of observation into Regiment's positons in and around Lipki.

A platoon of T-26 tanks attacked 3 Co, 88th/18 Recon Btl, destroying 1 38mm ATG and suffereing no losses. It retired back towards the Pogodista road and out of LOS.

German Losses:
4 x PzIIF
12 x PzIII of various models
1 x Pz IV
Cpt. Fegelien - KIA

Russian Losses:
16 x BT-7
2 x T-34M40
8 x Trucks
10 x BA-20
32 x Inf Squads (approx 250-KIA/WIA 50-PW)

RE: "Come back here ya coward, it's only a flesh wound..." SFS Round 2 Sitrep Thread - Smedley - 07-03-2006

Threat from the South, turn 8.

As the sounds of the battle build to a cresendo, Hans and Joerg wait for the order to bug out.

"Do you see those Reds, Hans?"

"Da, they are gettig closer, Joerg."

"Remember the orders are not to shoot til we see the whites of thier eyes."

"What about the Russian panzers? They are getting closer."

"Those Jagdpanzers should keep them off our backs, but ready the panzerfaust just in case."


RE: "Come back here ya coward, it's only a flesh wound..." SFS Round 2 Sitrep Thread - Toten Tanz - 07-04-2006

From the Regimental Combat Diary of the 28th/18 Panzer Regiment, Col Eckhardt (Toten Tanz) commanding

Date: July 3, 1941
Location: Lipki, Belarus
Weather: Clear with a slight haze, visibility good.
Entry Time: 13.30 hours (Turn 8)

Stukas arrived overhead and attacked the Russian armor concentration on Lipki Ridge. They scored a direct hit on a T-34, reducing it to a flaming wreck. Col Eckhardt sent 2Plt, 2Co, I/28 to drive back the T-26s on the high ground to the E of Lipki. Long range cannon fire forced one platoon to displace, and afforded Col Eckhardt's positon some relief Russian observation.

In light of the Russian build up to the E of Stayki, Cpt. Gebhardt order his units to withdrawl back into Stayki. He began setting up a defensive line runing through the village, facing SE. The PzJdg1s of 88th/18 AT Blt. were placed in the woods 1KM S of Stayki, in an ambush position., along with a platoon of armored cars from 2 Co, for security. A Russian armored car platoon was seen moving W of Stayki.

It was becoming apparent to Col. Eckhardt that the Russians meant to hit his units simultaniously from the E/SE at Stayki and from Lipki Ridge. An airstrike was called against the company of T-26's on the high ground E of Lipki, in order to eliminate, or at least blunt, that threat before the main Russin blow fell upon his forces.

The units of 88th/18 Recon Btl to the N of Lipki realigned their positons to support 2 Co's. attack to the E and to deal with the T-26 platooon that had attacked 3 Co. to the W of the road to Pogodista. This T-26 platoon withdrew to the SE and took up a blocking postion astride the Pogodista road. In addition to these tanks, a total of 20 T-26s, could be seen massing on the high ground E of Lipki. Two trucks towing small caliber ATGs could be seen moving N towards 3 Co. on the Pogodista road, as well.

The Russain attack on Lipki Ridge began. Nine T-34s drove down the Moscow Motor Hiway and recaptured the Regimental objective on the ridge. During his reshuffling in preperation for the attack, Col. Eckhardt had repositioned 5 Co. II/28 PZ some 500m to the SW and brought the remaining tanks of 2 Co., I/28PZ to the base of the ridge. This left both companies in good position to counter the Russian moves.

German Losses:
4 x PzIIF
12 x PzIII of various models
1 x Pz IV
1 x ATG
Cpt. Fegelien - KIA

Russian Losses:
16 x BT-7
3 x T-34M40
8 x Trucks
10 x BA-20
32 x Inf Squads (approx 250-KIA/WIA 50-PW)

RE: "Come back here ya coward, it's only a flesh wound..." SFS Round 2 Sitrep Thread - Toten Tanz - 07-06-2006

Double Post, sorry.