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A Life Time to Play CM - Printable Version

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RE: A Life Time to Play CM - ATCS - 03-08-2007

I agree with The Coil. Those in my time zone, or at least with the same evening hours as me, we can crank out 3-6 turns a night. For my opponents in Europe or Australia, pretty much one a day does it. That one a week crap is for the birds.

I had terrible luck with PBEM Helper and Hotmail. I was getting files all screwed up, losing stuff...I was a mess. So I'm back to clicking my way through sending files.

RE: A Life Time to Play CM - herroberst - 03-09-2007

That's okay Zemke, I retired from being a Colonel last July :) ... as-crackistan? I was going to retire to Free Vicistan but decided to knock out 10 more years and then retire retire. I am glad you are safe and sound back from itsuckstobehereostan... just in time for the Walter Reed scandal :(

RE: A Life Time to Play CM - OCSI - 03-10-2007