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Domination! - Printable Version

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RE: Domination! - Koen - 05-22-2007

indeed, both Dominations were fun, easy way to play against new players.

I'm just afraid that the new set of rules are slowing down my challenge rate....maybe I'll just wait and respond to a challenge already made


RE: Domination! - Mad Russian - 05-22-2007

Rico (FGM) Wrote:Valid point -- IF we had a feasible, simple way of tracking time that wouldn't be the biggest admin headache imaginable... the whole thing is a big, FUN abstraction of a big European War with participation and gameplay the main focus... time period is set to give most options of simultaneous gameplay on all fronts with options for BOTH sides to act offensively.... first half of war is a long Allied losing streak and then it's a long Axis losing streak... not much fun for either side ;)

So then how do you intend on handling time now? What is the difference in battles a year from now with today? Will those battles still be set in a 1941 time period too?

Quote:Another consideration is that once it's up and running properly, it'll pretty much run itself without too much heavy-handed input by tourney organisers... who'll move on to new and exciting projects

Is there a possibility that Domination Europa will be terminated like it's two predecessors with games still being played and gamers signing up for it when it is in the process of being closed down with no warning? Or what?

Good Hunting.


RE: Domination! - Fullhouse - 05-22-2007

Quote:IF we had a feasible, simple way of tracking time that wouldn't be the biggest admin headache imaginable

How about real time or a variant of?

So therefore battles would start May 41, and then change with the months. Might give things a bit of flavor.

RE: Domination! - Rico (FGM) - 05-22-2007

Feel free to design one with some kind of time flow -- then you'd have make all battles the same length, keep track of game deadlines, etc, etc... believe me, we've put in as much as we can without bogging it down in detail...

Principle with this is one is KEEP IT AS SIMPLE AND AS MUCH FUN AS POSSIBLE! -- once players are familiar with the relatively simple mechanics of this, it basically runs itself -- this is basically an upgrade of a proven, fun concept that registered more than 127 games before we upgraded.

This is not a realistic simulation of any kind.... I'll leave that for others to try and run -- and nayway I don't believe CM is the right vehicle for that kind of thing anyway.

RE: Domination! - Fubar - 05-22-2007

Just out of interest, 127 games between how many players?


RE:��Domination! - Mad Russian - 05-22-2007

Rico (FGM) Wrote:Feel free to design one with some kind of time flow --

Thanks for your permission. We are in fact, as you are well aware of doing just that as we speak.

Quote:This is not a realistic simulation of any kind.... I'll leave that for others to try and run -- and nayway I don't believe CM is the right vehicle for that kind of thing anyway.

I know that too. You said we could ask questions...so I am. You don't mention anything about the time frame for Domination Europa except to say that you start it in May 41. That leads people to believe that you intend some kind of time table.

Why do you think that CM is not the right vehicle to do the tactical combat for an operational level game? You do that very thing with all of the Domination series tournaments. The only thing that you do not do is put a time frame with them. In fact you use CM to resolve what would very likey be Corps actions by the size of the land area on your maps.

I find it interesting that you think CM is unsuitable for that mode when it's what you yourself use.

Good Hunting.


RE: Domination! - Copper - 05-22-2007

Quote:So then how do you intend on handling time now? What is the difference in battles a year from now with today? Will those battles still be set in a 1941 time period too?

Rico designed the map based on the World situation in 1941 front line wise. We have no intention of enforcing time scales into Domination. However you can personally play it as you wish. if you set up challenges and say 1941 then people will accept 1941... then say a month or 2 down the line you wish to progress to 1942 issue a 1942 challenge. Thats the joy of this, you can play it as you wish as it is very freeform.

Quote:We are in fact, as you are well aware of doing just that as we speak.

And we are definitely looking forward to seeing how it pans out. At least there are 2 things out there now that help the CM series. Both very different beasts... we have the 'historically accurate' campaign you are working on and the loose and fun concept we are running with. variety is the spice of life and its good we are both offeringup something so profoundly different.

Quote:Is there a possibility that Domination Europa will be terminated like it's two predecessors with games still being played and gamers signing up for it when it is in the process of being closed down with no warning? Or what?

Off course nothing can be guaranteed but we have put a lot of hard work into analysing the original Domination and have tried to build on it and make this thing bigger and open to more people. We have advertised extensively across the CM world over the past week or so and are happy we now have a format in our hands that will stand the test of time.

I understand your reservations but the last Domination ran for 6 months with 30 odd players registering 127 games. It was unfortunate you came aboard when discussions were taking place regarding a new improved Domination but we hope our members who still have games being played in the old Domination can see it from our point of view. We want to offer you the best product we can manage in what spare time we have. And as Rico has already said if at all possibe you can request to have your old Domination games get transferred to the new board as long as the correct challenge location is posted up.

Regarding Ostfront only one game had been completed and it was still in its infancy... it never matured before we replaced it so that wasnt to much of a worry.

So far we have had nothing but thanks from most members (including those wo have current Dom games running) because they realise we are putting as much into this as we can in our spare time. We want an easy workable format that will not lead to becoming a chore by demanding that hours be put in daily to work out certain things. The way it is now yes we are up to our eyeballs at the minute but soon enough we will find a rhythm and that should see us easily through.

RE: Domination! - Mad Russian - 05-22-2007

I agree that nothing but good can come for variety. I was asking because there was nothing in the rules that mentioned challenges. So, I didn't know if there were plans for a timeline or not.

Europa Domination should be just what you advertise it to be. A loose, fun system. I'm sure it will be a great success. The last two both were.

Good Hunting.


RE:��Domination! - Copper - 05-22-2007

Mad Russian Wrote:I was asking because there was nothing in the rules that mentioned challenges. So, I didn't know if there were plans for a timeline or not.

Aha.. thanks for flagging that up. I guess it was just an oversight by Rico or myself in failing to pick up on it.

RE: Domination! - Fullhouse - 05-22-2007

Quote:Feel free to design one with some kind of time flow -- then you'd have make all battles the same length, keep track of game deadlines, etc, etc... believe me, we've put in as much as we can without bogging it down in detail...

I dont see why a timeline has to be complicated. There are numerous ways of making it simple.

I think a timeline would be fun just for forcing seasonal changes on people and making them play in conditions that they are unfamaliar with. It would also add suspense as each side waited for weapons platforms to come online.

Very Simple systems:

1: Real time. The game is played in the month it is challenged in.
2: Cumulative: The calender advances every X games.

I dont see why Time has to be so complicated as to have to make each game the same length ect. It can be abstracted as simply as most of Dom has been already.