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Keep 'em coming.. ;) - Printable Version

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RE: Keep 'em coming.. ;) - Copper - 07-08-2007

Spike, it's obvious your egoistical/bragging/boastful threads rub some folks the wrong way, everywhere you go.
I can only suggest that you tone those types of post down a bit to ease the tensions caused by them.

Many people here do not care for the egos, your contributions to the CM community, in a whole, are spectacular, no one can ever take that away from you, but reminding everyone day in and day out.. well.. it's just not necessary really.

We know who you are, where you've been, what you've done and can do.

POS will never be forgotten, but how you're remembered will always be the talk of the town :)

RE: Keep 'em coming.. ;) - Maakt Droog - 07-08-2007

For what its worth:

Being a newcomer to the board and having only just started pbem play, I rather enjoyed having an "AAR" of my game with POS posted. Was something of hoot since it was actually the first pbem game I've finished.

I've also looked into all of the AARs/DARs in that forum. I'm always rooting around for something I haven't seen before or don't know about the game. For instance, there was a recent comment about how you can tell a unit is eliminated if there is an absence of any terrain description when you click on the unit's generic country icon on the map. Maybe that's old news to all the vets here, but to me it was pure gold. (I'm sorry, I can't recall who made that comment; I think it was in a [hirr]Leto v. Colonel Talvela thread.) Kudos to all who have taken the time to post details about their games.

There may well be room for debate about what this board would like to see as the minimum requirements for an AAR or DAR. But even so, I can't imagine that for a community devoted to fostering enthusiasm for CM gaming (and other games for that matter) there is no place to post pics about games played, including the short-form AAR versions POS favors, however titled.

Maakt Droog

RE: Keep 'em coming.. ;) - Ratzki - 07-08-2007

I too, enjoy all the AAR's including POS's, though they are a tad bit brief. It takes all kinds of people to make a community, and enjoy every one's opinions including the ones that I disagree with. Like MR stated, you never know what little gem that you may find hidden in other people's posts, even the brief AAR's.

RE: Keep 'em coming.. ;) - Copper - 07-08-2007

POS, criticism is something that should be ignored if it does not present some kind of useful feedback.

Ignore the reds. Choose to see only the greens.



RE: Keep 'em coming.. ;) - PoorOldSpike - 07-08-2007

What do you think my chances arewith this hot chick mate?
She's known as the Pirate Wench and I fancy her summat rotten..

[Image: piratewench.jpg]

RE: Keep 'em coming.. ;) - Copper - 07-08-2007

PoorOldSpike Wrote:Fact is I'm only hanging around to keep my Pripet Tourney updated, and when it's over I'm outta here.

If that's the case, then why continue to raise concerns over the Rep system?

Nothing is going to change regarding it, so just quit belly aching over it and IGNORE it.
The kiddies always get bored and stop when there's no one to torment, because they're being IGNORED.

The rep system is not going to destroy TheBlitz because many of us here have realized that by IGNORING it, the points become a useful as a phillips screwdriver in a drawer of slotted screws.

RE: Keep 'em coming.. ;) - Walkure - 07-08-2007

OK any of you guys fancy a game ? I just trying to get you guys back to the field of battle. So any takers............? Randy your slot is always open........!! So stop the clikies and set something up and send it over.

Juan (Walkure)

RE: Keep 'em coming.. ;) - PoorOldSpike - 07-08-2007

But what are rep systems FOR Randy mate? Other clubs manage quite nicely without 'em..
You do a great job of policing Blitz like a bouncer on the front door to keep the riffraff out, but at the same time you're leaving the back door wide open for any Tom Dick or Harry to wander in off the street via the rep system,and reduce Blitz to kindergarten level, it makes no sense to me..
You'll all know where to find me in the CM community in the future, just head for the sound of Abrams and T-80 tank fire in my dozens of upcoming CM Shock Force posts..

RE: Keep 'em coming.. ;) - Copper - 07-08-2007

the rep system is there for those who feel the need for it, it was voted to remain, by a majority of ALL the members(not just the CM ones now) when we 1st renovated the forums, so it remains until a majority votes to remove it.

a hinderance,... yes
a death blow,... far from it

RE: Keep 'em coming.. ;) - Mad Russian - 07-08-2007

POS, your contributions to the CM community far outweigh any spamming repper that wants to get under your skin. You and I go head to head more often than anyone else I know. But we do it straight up.

I don't see a need for the reps but apparently the majority of members here do. TPG has a rep system as well but I can't ever remember anyone getting a red one. The closest I can ever remember is when you left a comment that I needed to get a dose of humor and that was a neutral comment. It had your name attached to it. So we all knew who made it.

I think that may be what is rubbing people the wrong way. The fact that you have these things delivered in the dark. With no names.

I could personally care less. I don't come here to be the most popular guy on the site. I just come here to enjoy my hobby. Which I think we pretty much all do.

I"m sure that we all rub someone the wrong way. So what? There is always the option of just ignoring the person that finds you offensive. What seems a bit strange here on Blitz is that you have seemingly attracted someone/someones that read all of your posts just to make comments about them in private.

I believe this is where the moderators will step into the equation.

Just give them a chance to let the system work like it is intended and keep those awesome graphics of yours coming.

Good Hunting.