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Medal Awarded To Czerpak - Printable Version

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RE: Medal Awarded To Czerpak - Vesku - 07-01-2008

Right click the medal and choose save image as, you then have the picture of a medal. Then follow the instructions on the Walrus' post.

RE: Medal Awarded To Czerpak - retired from gaming - 07-01-2008

Walrus Wrote:Speaking of medals, it's a shame not to see the ones kaitlin made being used eh.
Any chance of finishing that tourney?
No worries if you cannot.
I know that one was quite a bit of work.


You guys must have really liked that one, you are fourth one to ask since I reapeared. Well, a week ago it was definite no-no to continuation, but meantime I found some of the data I considered lost for good. For now it is 80/20 (80% for no, 20 for yes). I dont think it would work out, to many replacements needed probably, and - the worst- I cant remember what I wanted to do in last two rounds :(
As you probably know I tried to give medals, yet wasnt allowed to do so.
Time is not a problem atm, I spend lots of evenings in hotels (alone) (thats in case my wife reads those forums, one never knows LOL) nowadays, maybe I should give it a try...