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Some questions about Falklands - Printable Version

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RE: Some questions about Falklands - Wolfgang - 11-05-2011

Yep BR1 is right.* In a self-rally situation, if they are in command range of their leader or company commander, they tend to self rally better. Without that presence nearby, they could go the entire battle and never self rally (by the way, on rare occasions I've observed this with pinned status too where a unit auto recovers from pinned to disrupted due to a leader nearby but not in the same hex).
The same goes for disruption and pin results. If their commander is nearby in range, they seem to deflect that a little better.

I often attempt to pin units that are furthest from their leader knowing that, all things being equal, they are easier to pin. Plus then you force your opponent to have to move a leader to that unit if they want them to be effective again, thus slowly down the advance of the entire formation even further. What you do then is shift your fire to the units that the leader just fell out of range from. Of course, with fog of war, you can't discern the enemy organization for sure but you can guess at who belongs to who.

Guess it all speaks to the importance of that leader and keeping him in range of all his units at all times (if possible) - even during an advance. Alternatively, a unit that seems oddly hard to disrupt or pin probably has a leader unit right behind them that you can't see.

Those documents at Task Force Echo Four are really good btw!

* By the way when I use absolutes like so-and-so is right, or I state something like it's fact - I have to always remember that I don't know for sure since these are based on observations and not actual information I gained from any official sqb manual.