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Hard Luck or Normal? - Printable Version

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RE: Hard Luck or Normal? - MGK(FGM) - 06-12-2007

OK thanks - now it should be OK - please look that there is also cloud of dust beetween sherman and tiger :) - I have been playing CM over 5 years but never got such a bad luck in such a short game (20t+)
1) my stummel HT bogged in open and immediately got killed by Stuart
2) my marder was firing at the side of Sherman but missed 2 times and got first shot kill from rotating Sherman turret
3) Tiger ....
eh life .... ! ;-)

RE: Hard Luck or Normal? - PoorOldSpike - 06-12-2007

Yes, bad luck.. but the dust cloud was very thin, press SH-I to 'high-quality' and you see it almost vanishes..