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Keep 'em coming.. ;) - Printable Version

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RE:��Keep 'em coming.. ;) - DevilThomas - 07-08-2007

Mad Russian Wrote:POS, your contributions to the CM community far outweigh any spamming repper that wants to get under your skin. You and I go head to head more often than anyone else I know. But we do it straight up.

I don't see a need for the reps but apparently the majority of members here do. TPG has a rep system as well but I can't ever remember anyone getting a red one. The closest I can ever remember is when you left a comment that I needed to get a dose of humor and that was a neutral comment. It had your name attached to it. So we all knew who made it.

I think that may be what is rubbing people the wrong way. The fact that you have these things delivered in the dark. With no names.

I could personally care less. I don't come here to be the most popular guy on the site. I just come here to enjoy my hobby. Which I think we pretty much all do.

I"m sure that we all rub someone the wrong way. So what? There is always the option of just ignoring the person that finds you offensive. What seems a bit strange here on Blitz is that you have seemingly attracted someone/someones that read all of your posts just to make comments about them in private.

I believe this is where the moderators will step into the equation.

Just give them a chance to let the system work like it is intended and keep those awesome graphics of yours coming.

Good Hunting.


Absolutely...what MR said....

RE:��Keep 'em coming.. ;) - PoorOldSpike - 07-08-2007

Antoni Chmielowski (FGM) Wrote:I am not POS`s biggest fan (and he knows it)

No mate, I didn't know you hated my guts too, et tu Brute! (sniffle)..

Hey who can ever forget the dramatic scenes surrounding the assassination in Julius Caesar as immortalised by the Bard -

CAESAR'S WIFE - "Last night I dreamt statues of you were dripping blood"

CAESAR - "Hmm a bad omen, I'd better stay home today"

WIFE - "Good, now go comb your hair and spruce yourself up a bit, mother's coming over later"

CAESAR - "Er.......on second thoghts I'd better go in to work, pressing affairs of state to attend to, you know how it is"..

SOOTHSAYER (on Capitol steps) - "Caesar! Beware the Ides of March!"

CAESAR - "F*** off yer crackhead"

Later -
CAESAR (staggering towards Brutus with multiple stab wounds) -"Aarghh, help me Brutus my loyal and trusted friend!"

BRUTUS - "F*** you Jack!" (stabs him)

CAESAR - "Arrgh you motherf*****, I thought you was my mate!"

RE: Keep 'em coming.. ;) - The Coil - 07-08-2007


What genuinely confuses me about you is that you seem to take such delight in being irritating (exhibit A, your sig line), yet seem surprised when people are irritated by you.

See, in real life, there's a bunch of ways people have of dealing with irritating people - they make frowny faces at them, or shake their heads and walk away, or just quit inviting that person to parties, or whatever. Here in the virtual world of the Blitz, people don't have those options, so they express their annoyance with red clickies. It's not perfect, but it's what they got.

I find it telling that there aren't a whole lot of people on these boards complaining about all the red clickies they're getting. It's really just you. We all get our red clickies from time to time for various reasons (mine, I get mostly from Colonel T trying to provoke me into battles with gamey parameters). I daresay you've gotten more than most. You can draw one of two conclusions from this:

1) There is a vast right-wing conspiracy by various miscreants to annoy you away from the Blitz because people are jealous of your awsome CM skillz and stunning screenshots.

2) A relatively large number of people find you especially annoying.

I sort of lean towards option 2. I don't know you a bit in person, but I think it's fairly clear to everyone involved that the way you have chosen to present yourself on this board is fairly egotistical, self promoting, and abrasive. That's fine. Just quit being surprised that people find that annoying. When you fill threads all over the boards with off topic posts about how great you are, that annoys people. When you post abrasive things and then edit your posts and deny you ever said those things, that annoys people. When you cry about getting red repped and then go on about what a good joke it was that you pretended to be bothered by it when it's clear you weren't kidding, that annoys people. When you storm out of the Blitz talking about how much we'll all miss you, then come crawling back a few days later, spouting off about how lucky we are to have you back, that annoys people.

Don't get me wrong, I'm not saying you need to or should stop. I don't really care. What gets old is when you insist on your right to be annoying while at the same time crying about people expressing their annoyance with you. It's just a bit childish. If it really bothers you that people are annoyed by you, stop being annoying. If you really get a kick out of being annoying, go ahead, but buck up and take it when people let you know they find you annoying.

I'm not trying to be overly harsh. Like I've said before, I think most people appreciate the positive contributions you make to the Blitz. But I also think most people could do without out all the bluster and insecurity and "I'm so great" talk. You are free to continue with it, within whatever bounds the mods set. That's your right. Others are free to express their opinions about it, within the bounds the mods set. That's their right.

My 2 cents, do with it what you will...

RE: Keep 'em coming.. ;) - Copper - 07-08-2007

I think the Coil sums this up with a good finale.

Thread is being locked as there is no need to discuss the red reputations points any further.

Any future threads on the matters will be locked and referred to the Coil's post.