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"To the Volga" - Printable Version

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RE: "To the Volga" - Copper - 10-05-2007

Turn 7.

Forces are allready in position to support my weakening right flank.
On my left flank bodies are piling up in the street.
I have counted at least 2bn worth of dead infantry markers.
Most of them ran into a well defended factorybuilding and a waiting Flamethrowertank.
The tank has a huge circle of dead germans around him :)

RE: "To the Volga" - USS Wyoming - 10-05-2007


OK, here's my attempt to post a pic of the opening salvo against the Hun.

RE: "To the Volga" - USS Wyoming - 10-05-2007

May as well show you what one of my poor troops observed at the opening of hostilities.


RE: "To the Volga" - gangofmao - 10-06-2007

...In Both Operations
I choose to use Smoke rather then HE,
In Stoffle1's Battle i am just Shattered on my Right wing,
In Wyomings Battle,
I used my Smoke better,and have Tanks moving....
In Stoffel1's battle,i moving Tanks on my Left,
Allowing me to get closer to Factory...
In Wyomings Battle,moving across street easier...
Both battles the goal is to get squads into Factory...lol
Then the real bloodletting starts...


RE: "To the Volga" - Copper - 10-10-2007

My goal is to completely destroy your facist hordes.
And I am doing a good job too.
Left flank will see a devastating counterattack, your pakfront is allready dead.
Our comrades from the tanks will destroy your men under their tracks!!

RE: "To the Volga" - gangofmao - 10-10-2007

An Amazing 88 Gun/T-34 dual just happened against Stoffel1,
We feel on Left can Hold,our Right,shredded in Battle with Stoffel1,
Doing much better against Wyoming,
A two turn lag?
Never changed set-up,
But moving more cautious against him,
After Blood letting Stoffle1 gave me on my Right...lol

RE: "To the Volga" - Copper - 10-10-2007

My counterattack failed miserably..T34 with out radios and very sloooowwwwww to react.
I lost a pltT34 and my T60's to those damn superior fascist tank guns.
But hey, thats FOW........
On my right flank the AC's are dying like flies :)
We will stand uop and throw them out of the city for mother Russia!!!

RE: "To the Volga" - Copper - 10-14-2007

next turn out.
My counterattack in full swing, several PZIV's targeted, I hate it when I have to wait for the next file to see the results.

RE: "To the Volga" - Copper - 10-15-2007

3 enemy tanks killed, no more losses for me.
More fascist tanks driving in to the arms of my waiting AT gunners.....
On my right flank more and more german soldiers dying .

[Image: Widowmaker.jpg]

[Image: ThePzs.jpg]

[Image: lookingnice.jpg]

[Image: Instrumentworkshop.jpg]

RE: "To the Volga" - gangofmao - 10-16-2007

Ahh...but yes on my Left,
I'm in the factory now in force,
Granted,on my Right,
I'm shattered,
I counted on smoke to get me across the street,
With enough mass to make a dent,
That mass is now dead in the street...lol
The most interesting thing i'm noticing about doing two of
these Op's at once,
Is in Wyomings Battle,
my Left wing is in trouble,Right wing strong...