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Gamey? - Printable Version

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RE: Gamey? - Copper - 02-02-2007



"Ahem, Colonel Bogusdusski?"

"DA!! Vwat is eet?"

"Ah, yes, well, this is Oberst von Crapper, I'm calling to see if it would be alright to drop about 60 rounds of 105mm artillery on that long winding column you have back there. I'm looking through my field glasses, and it appears that you are about to attack, no?"

"DA! Vwee vwill be ottacking you, shortly. Vwee consider it extremely, ah, Vwhat is dee word... ah! "GAM - EE" Dat you do dis. Vwait til our SMG troops are sooting at you from Tventy meters... den you FIRE artilleree! DA?"

"Ahem, very well, Colonel. No chance that you may reconsider?"


"Well, perhaps you wouldn't be too seriously offended if I just bought 4 JagdPanthers then and waited for your column at the top of a large hill, 1500 meters away then?"

"??? Are yoo keedink? Zat vwould give you, much to great adwantage! You cannot seet on hill. Darefore, no hills. Flat like Steppes. DA?"

"Very well, Colonel, then is it alright if I may use PZ IV's? This is really getting quite tedious."

"DA! Fours... but no Cwack twoops, eh? And only short barrel. Dat vay we can bwast you good."

"Very well. Oh and Colonel Bogusdusski?"


"You have an extremely terrible Russian accent."

"I am Ukwainian-Mongowian, not WUSSIAN!"

"Ah, yes. Well good talking to you Comrade Wang Fudd."



"Ees dat 105 shells I eer ower head??? Ehman-ah!"



RE: Gamey? - Herr Schacht - 02-02-2007


RE:����Gamey? - Wild Bill - 02-02-2007

Bootie Wrote:I got the complete Monty Python boxed set last Xmas ad was watching it when my wife commented.... 'Why didnt they just use real horses'.... she just didnt get it.


The "better" half rarely does. ;)

RE: Gamey? - Chipmunk - 02-02-2007

Fubar what you described isn't being gamey, it's more like cheating.

RE: Gamey? - GreenHornet - 02-02-2007

Fullhouse Wrote:People call this a game, which it is. However it can also be viewed as a simulation.

Tactics that are overtly "gamey" e.g. that rely on the game engine for success yet would have either failed totaly or never occured in reality break my immersion in the "game" and thus impact my enjoyment of playing. I just find them cheesey.

What makes CM stand out is its simulation aspect, if I wanted to play something more gamey I could pick one of a hundred RTS's of the shelf.

I couldn't agree with you more, Fullhouse. This is exactly my position on the whole gameyness thing. Yes it is a game but many of us play it to simulate real WWII tactics. In my opinion, when tactics are used that are successful primarily because they take advantage of the game engine or mechanics, and was ( or would ) never really be used or be successful on an actual WWII battlefield, it takes much of the enjoyment out of the battle for me.

It really does all boil down to people's preferences and why they enjoy playing the game. There's no tactic that is "wrong", but people do have differing opinoins on what is enjoyable CM gameplay.

RE: Gamey? - Copper - 02-02-2007

Speaking of gamey-ness I hate it when playing blind and you have your set up.... gun tucked nicely in the trees as the default... but you think hmmmm... I think I'll try it over there.

Next thing you know your opponent is lacing area fire all around the default gun-less set up zone will racing their armour to a spot that would not have been covered had i not moved the gun.

Its blatantly obvious your opponent has had a cheeky little glance.

On the other hand though it could be pure luck... I remember not so long ago playing Vulture a CMBO game and we were playing blind and he asked me 6 tuns into the game was I sure I hadnt played it before...!!

Seemed my area fire had done some damage and he questioned me.... a few turns later after wiping out a lot of my armour he realised that I really was firing 'blindly' at every branch that so much as twitched....!

RE:��Gamey? - Copper - 02-02-2007

Bootie Wrote:Speaking of gamey-ness I hate it when playing blind and you have your set up.... gun tucked nicely in the trees as the default... but you think hmmmm... I think I'll try it over there.

Next thing you know your opponent is lacing area fire all around the default gun-less set up zone will racing their armour to a spot that would not have been covered had i not moved the gun.

Its blatantly obvious your opponent has had a cheeky little glance.

On the other hand though it could be pure luck... I remember not so long ago playing Vulture a CMBO game and we were playing blind and he asked me 6 tuns into the game was I sure I hadnt played it before...!!

Seemed my area fire had done some damage and he questioned me.... a few turns later after wiping out a lot of my armour he realised that I really was firing 'blindly' at every branch that so much as twitched....!

Thus the level of trust and history in some opponents is a quality that is worth more than gold.

The same reason why many opponents get dropped. It's human nature to believe that the default position for anyone that you do not know playing in a new blind scenario is that he may have looked at your side. Although it is not easy to do, as you need some kind of inductive pattern in order to make your assumptions as to your opponent's "blind" play. AS you, say, if in three consecutive blind maps, your opponent charges down the right avenues and takes advantage of every advantage that could possibly be revealed from a look at your side, you will most likely know, but its not foolproof.

I think the best solution to this is to anticipate that your opponent knows what's coming to some extent. Even when playing blind. Terrible to say but prudent with respect to good gaming.

BTW, do you feel there is a difference in looking at the map in a scenario and reading the enemy briefing? I do not. Scenarios should be set up so that each player can read his own briefing and get the limited information that he needs to know for the best gameplay possible (such as, he has tanks, and a large KV tank that looks like a rhino has been spotted with them, or there has been AT gun fire from that ridge over the past day. The gun has is noticabley large in its calibre.

etc etc.



RE: Gamey? - Copper - 02-02-2007

Hell if I read the opponents briefing it would just spoil it for me... the joys of playing it blind is that you are always on edge never knowing what is coming next... if I read the brief and it says 10 PzIV's reinforcement on turn 10 it takes away a huge slice of what is fun about this game.... the anticipation of what may happen next.

RE:��Gamey? - Copper - 02-02-2007

Bootie Wrote:Hell if I read the opponents briefing it would just spoil it for me... the joys of playing it blind is that you are always on edge never knowing what is coming next... if I read the brief and it says 10 PzIV's reinforcement on turn 10 it takes away a huge slice of what is fun about this game.... the anticipation of what may happen next.

Unfortunately, not all people operate on this level. I agree, the briefing doesn't have to spell it out for you, but give you historically and tactically relevant information that you should know going into a battle. Surprises are the best part of a blind scenario, but these surprises become an advantage when there is no surprise at all for one opponent due to his curious nature.

I thus refer back to the "trusted" players comment, where history has built up a relationship of comfort that allows for exactly the type of gameplay that you are describing.



RE: Gamey? - Copper - 02-02-2007

Having played 163 different pople at the Blitz I have a nice big pool of trusted players. And to tell you the truth I can count the players on one hand who I dont trust or wouldnt play again.... used to be 5 until I tried to stroke a piranha.