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AP/HE ammo ??? - Printable Version

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RE: AP/HE ammo ??? - Weasel - 02-05-2009

So I am correct in understanding that if there is a 0 under SABOT in the ammo load out then the unit has no APCR (why two different names?).

RE: AP/HE ammo ??? - Vesku - 02-05-2009

Right you are, no special ammo.

"(why two different names?). "

To confuse people?

RE: AP/HE ammo ??? - RERomine - 02-05-2009

Weasel Wrote:So I am correct in understanding that if there is a 0 under SABOT in the ammo load out then the unit has no APCR (why two different names?).

Vesku Wrote:"(why two different names?). "

To confuse people?

You know, as long as I've played this game, I never noticed they used both terms.

RE: AP/HE ammo ??? - Weasel - 02-05-2009

APCR and SABOT are two very different rounds, as we all know.

RE: AP/HE ammo ??? - Cross - 02-05-2009

Here's what it says in the Game Guide:

NOTE: The 'sabot' round in WW2 was normally Armour Piercing Composite Rigid (APCR) (Also known as HVAP, High Velocity Armour Piercing), but can also represent true sabot rounds like APDS (Armour Piercing Discarding Sabot) where the sabot (=shoe) surrounding the sub calibre penetrator is dropped after exit from the muzzle, which improves drag coefficient no end, only Britain used true sabot (APDS) ammo in WW2.

The AP round can represent APDS ammo in some units, with the sabot round being used to represent some form of uprated shot in lesser supply, perhaps.

RE: AP/HE ammo ??? - Weasel - 02-06-2009

Cross Wrote:Here's what it says in the Game Guide:

NOTE: The 'sabot' round in WW2 was normally Armour Piercing Composite Rigid (APCR) (Also known as HVAP, High Velocity Armour Piercing), but can also represent true sabot rounds like APDS (Armour Piercing Discarding Sabot) where the sabot (=shoe) surrounding the sub calibre penetrator is dropped after exit from the muzzle, which improves drag coefficient no end, only Britain used true sabot (APDS) ammo in WW2.

The AP round can represent APDS ammo in some units, with the sabot round being used to represent some form of uprated shot in lesser supply, perhaps.

My brain hurts....... :dunno:

RE: AP/HE ammo ??? - seabolt - 02-06-2009

Weasel Wrote:My brain hurts....... :dunno:

[/context-oblivious professor ON]
Technically, that's not correct, given that the organ that processes pain is the only organ that has no nerve endings to register it.
[/context-oblivious professor OFF]

What they were trying to say is that, if a weapon routinely fires APDS as its AP round (obviously this would be a modern rather than WWII piece of ordnance), then the programmers go ahead and code the real-world APDS characteristics into the "this is my default antitank ammo" AP slot in the game. Of course, that leaves the APDS slot open. Sometimes that gets used for *really* special ammo, such as uranium-enriched "the EPA would *never* let us shoot these bad boys at home" rounds.

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RE: AP/HE ammo ??? - Vesku - 02-17-2009

Finally found what I was looking for. This is one good example that AP is not always simple AP and that special ammo can be different from tank to tank. Look at app the middle of the page where you can see a picture of a shell.


RE: AP/HE ammo ??? - seabolt - 02-18-2009

Vesku Wrote:Finally found what I was looking for. This is one good example that AP is not always simple AP and that special ammo can be different from tank to tank. Look at app the middle of the page where you can see a picture of a shell.


The Germans---and IIRC the Germans alone---placed explosive charges inside many of their "standard" AP rounds. There's some debate about how effective this was, though I would hazard that the consensus would be that it certainly added a punch to the total damage effect.

Someone who paid more attention way back in the day may correct me, but I want to recollect that these rounds were part of the reason for the "Kill" value that persists in all versions of this game. Way back when, German and (eg) British AP rounds of caliber X might have the same stats, except that the German round with its HE core would wreak more havoc only assuming that it penetrated. Thus, SP weapons needed 3 damage variables: one to signify standard explosive strength, one to signify armor-penetrating potential, and one to signify damage potential conditional to armor penetration.

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RE: AP/HE ammo ??? - Weasel - 02-18-2009

Vesku Wrote:Finally found what I was looking for. This is one good example that AP is not always simple AP and that special ammo can be different from tank to tank. Look at app the middle of the page where you can see a picture of a shell.


The penetration tables really show how useless allied tanks were!