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Scenario of the week - Printable Version

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Scenario of the week - Copper - 06-25-2006

RE: Scenario of the week - Copper - 06-25-2006

I think this is an excellant idea.
I would advise that you give proper credit to the authors and the original host site in your review/post and offer the Scenario as a download in the post.

If anyone asks or inquires that their scenario be removed as a downloadable link, we'll have you or the MODS edit your post to remove the download and perhaps in place put a link to their hosting site if they so desire.

If there is any doubt or you have reservations doing things this way, email the author prior to your review and get permissions.

I hope this is the green light you need?

CSDT-B14-Eisen Faust - Copper - 06-25-2006

CMBB Scenario

This has been said by many to be the best scenario ever designed and consistently gets high ratings.

Set at the outbreak of the war in the East, it pits a German SS unit against a mixed Soviet force across some very interesting terrain in July 1941.

Options for both sides are many and the game should be fast paced, action packed and often nail biting.

It was designed by Tom Grace, who certainly knows how to make a good scenario and can be found at the Scenario Depot along with many other of his scenarios.

As usual, it will be interesting to see how others feel about this one.

RE: Scenario of the week - Hedgehog - 06-25-2006

Hello Geordie
I like your self only play scenario's, My opinion they are the best.
And your idea must be good well done mate for showing interest in the finest hobby in the world.

Cheers Ted

Age is Wisdom

RE: Scenario of the week - Elltee - 06-25-2006

Theres a really good and long AAR of this scenario here:-


I read it a while ago and would suggest you play the game first as it is a really good scenario and any prior warning of events may spoil it.

Blood Fued Transylvania - 44 - Copper - 07-02-2006

CMBB Scenario

Something diffrent as the Romanians and Hungarians battle for a few landmarks.

I found this one both fun, challenging and refreshing from the normal German/Soviet encounters.


RE: Scenario of the week - mTk(FGM) - 07-02-2006

Speaking of that...how does one upload an attachment to a post? I've done the "add attachment" button to absolutely no effect.

Someone want to "Dick & Jane" the process?


RE: Scenario of the week - Copper - 07-02-2006

Does not work. The whole board is slow, the attachments dont load and posts take ages to appear.

MyBB has been hacked, this BB has obviously been hacked.

I strongly suggest that Ras switch to this:


Its a much better format as well.

RE: Scenario of the week - raz_atoth - 07-02-2006

Indeed the mb was hacked,but the slowdowns begun before that.We had slowdowns in the past also,but only lately it become a problem.The slowdowns are not caused by the mb software but rather by the slow server.
A new bb software wouldn't be a real solution because the server would still be slow and the performance increase caused by a posible faster software would be almost unnoticeable.And another thing,from my knowledge,vbulletin isn't free.You have to pay a yearly tax in order to use it,if i'm not mistaken.
As for the attchments,they don't work?!Looks like i can attach files witout problems.There was indeead a small glitch in the original code which caused an error when images were added as attachments,but it was fixed.

RE: Scenario of the week - Copper - 07-02-2006

AH, didnt realise VB costs. Slow server, we will just have to live with.

However, despite many attempts I cant attach anything.

I use Opera. Maybe it only works with IE?