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Another good F40 scenario! - Printable Version

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Another good F40 scenario! - jonnymacbrown - 07-13-2006

The scenario is " Like a Scythe Through the Ardennes." It's the German attack through the Ardennes, 140 turns, low unit density, fixed units on both sides allowing for rapid play for the first few days, at least. The northern half of the map is gone and assumes that the French 1st Army and BEF have marched off into Belgium. Very exciting so far, after day one, with tactical and stategic choices abounding. Lots of fun! von Egan:soap:cheers

RE: Another good F40 scenario! - Jazman - 07-13-2006

I'll add a small plug for a mod I did, adding some French and British troops. They're basically the ones in the Arras scenario.


RE: Another good F40 scenario! - jonnymacbrown - 07-14-2006

Jazzman, your scenario is numbered exactly the same as the game scenario. You need to re-name it. I'm playing that scenario now. If I had simply downloaded your file without paying attention, I'd have been screwed! von Egan

RE: Another good F40 scenario! - Jazman - 07-14-2006

Ah, but it's named "#0510_04_Ardennes_BEF.scn" The difference with the stock game version is the "BEF" I added.

RE: Another good F40 scenario! - Jazman - 07-14-2006

Ah, but it's named "#0510_04_Ardennes_BEF.scn" The difference with the stock game version is the "BEF" I added.

RE: Another good F40 scenario! - Jazman - 07-14-2006

Ah, but it's named "#0510_04_Ardennes_BEF.scn" The difference with the stock game version is the "BEF" I added.

RE: Another good F40 scenario! - jonnymacbrown - 07-15-2006

The comp asked me if I wanted to replace the exiting file. What can I say? von Egan

RE: Another good F40 scenario! - jonnymacbrown - 07-15-2006

Ok, My Mistake. Apparently, it will load without overwriting the stock scenario. Thanks for your work. von Egan

RE: Another good F40 scenario! - Jazman - 07-18-2006

Are you sure you didn't already have it?? I had posted it earlier, a month or so ago.

Sorry for the multiple posts above, I would push the "Post Reply" button and it'd return an error page. So naturally I go back and keep trying...

RE: Another good F40 scenario! - jonnymacbrown - 07-19-2006

Yes, that was it. I had already downloaded it.