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Education for you - Printable Version

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Education for you - Hedgehog - 07-14-2006

The REAL way to have THE sex talk!!

A little boy goes to his father and asks "Daddy, how was I born?"
The father answers: "Well son, I guess one day you will need to find out
Your Mom and I first got together in a chat room on Yahoo. Then I set up a date via e-mail with your Mom and we met at a cyber-cafe.

We sneaked into a secluded room, where your mother agreed to a download from my hard drive. As soon as I was ready to upload, we discovered that neither one of us had used a firewall, and since it was too late to hit the delete button, nine months later a little Pop-Up appeared that said:

Scroll Down


You got Male!

RE: Education for you - Cpt Courageous - 07-14-2006

Sweet Mother of Jesus! Now I have to send my laptop in for abstinence training.

RE: Education for you - Hulldown - 07-14-2006


RE: Education for you - ROMMEL_HSQ - 07-15-2006