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A 4th AD Vet Passes - Printable Version

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A 4th AD Vet Passes - Don Fox - 08-12-2006

William Dwight passed away last night; he was a notable veteran of the 4th AD; member of the 37th Tank Battalion (at the rank of Captain, he served as the battalion S-3). Among his many acheivements: he was instrumental in directing a platoon of M-18s during the opening stage of the Tank Battles at Arracourt that blunted part of the German spearhead; during the Bulge, he led the task force that broke through Assenois and made initial contact with the 101st Airborne (and was the first officer of the 4th to meet with Brig. General McAullife).

It was indeed my privilege to capture many of his actions in my book.

Don Fox

RE: A 4th AD Vet Passes - Von Earlmann - 08-12-2006

There are not many of the WWII vets left now.....I feel fortunate to have met one that was with the 3rd Arm Div and one that served with one of the cavalry groups.......we spent one whole evening just listening to them tell stories of the Ardennes etc.