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Who plays mechanized QB's? - Printable Version

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Who plays mechanized QB's? - Copper - 09-27-2006

If you don't, you really should.

These are extremly exciting matches that have no predisposition towards armour bias as allies and axis have AT weaponry capable of frying any mechanized vehicle that is not a tank quite handily.

Changes the tactics of a QB quite impressively.

Of course, there are always advantages and disadvantages to certain side and year mechanized vehicle allotments, but I have found that even using a mid war or late war kit as Russian, it is very winnable, even with few or expensive mechanized vehicles... this also gives some play to the axis and allied minors as there are many combinations that work well.

CMAK or CMBB work equally well I find.



RE: Who plays mechanized QB's? - Kelen - 09-27-2006

Haven't played a Mechanised QB, but if you're game and have a free slot I'm willing to try one. Only have CMAK & CMBO though.