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Looking for a few more PBEMs! - Printable Version

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+--- Thread: Looking for a few more PBEMs! (/showthread.php?tid=37300)

Looking for a few more PBEMs! - BeatGuy83 - 10-13-2006

The following rules apply:

--I'll play any side, as long as it's not some silly minor country (Hungarians, what the heck?)
--Small, Medium, or Large scenario please!

Looking to pick up 1 or 2 new games, and will usually send 1 turn in the early morning and 2-3 in the evening, if I'm close to the computer.

Please email me this afternoon! I'll get you a turn by 5:30 PM, CST.


RE: Looking for a few more PBEMs! - Minuteman - 10-13-2006


Didn't see your e-mail on your profile or post, but here is an operation if you are interested. 3 battles, only 15 turns + per battle. A few more pts at stake and a little less of a "flag rush". Here is the setup - if interested e-mail:

[email protected]