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Weekend Humour (Off Topic) - Printable Version

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Weekend Humour (Off Topic) - Hedgehog - 10-28-2006

A man was lying on a blanket at the beach

He had no arms or legs.

Three women were walking past and felt sorry for
the poor man.

The first woman said "Have you ever had a hug"

The man said "No", so she gave him a hug and walked on.

The second woman said "Have you ever had a kiss".

The man said "No", so she gave him a kiss and walked on.

The third woman walked over to him, knelt down and whispered in his ear,

"Have you ever been F****d?

The fellow looked up in amazement and said "No"

The woman smiled and said "You will be when the tide comes in."

Age is Wisdom

RE: Weekend Humour��(Off Topic) - Moondog (FGM) - 10-30-2006
