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It has been TOO long! - Printable Version

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It has been TOO long! - General Wile E. Coyote - 11-13-2006

Yes, the Coyote is back....I have my paddle and a large pot of s**t to disturb. ;)

Tide's post brought back fond memories of all those great debates so...I'll get things started.

Monte was an undecisive pansy and Patton was a living god walkin' the earth.

Halftracks are best used in swarms...especially when assaulting whole companies of tanks.

There are many historical references whereby AA halftracks were used extensively behind enemy lines in a recon role....so let em roam!

Op fire is a great tool and you should always put all your units on their longest settings....always.

Can we re-elect Clinton for president?

Ok, is there anyone I haven't pissed off yet? Let's hear it gents...and good debate is good for the blood.....and gun sales. :smg:

RE: It has been TOO long! - Stryker - 11-13-2006

Welcome Back Joe,

In response to your debate-enticing and well-thought-out post I have the following statements.... also in the interest of igniting the MB....

Monty was a hero, an intelligent tactical genious who saved our arses on many occasions and didn't get the support he deserved late on in the war because the Yanks were jealous, so they blamed him for everything, gave him the hard work, took the easy routes and then wrote the history books.......
Patton was a gung-ho idiot who would have started a nuclear war had he been given the chance and who shovelled shite on everyone else to deflect from his own pig-headed inadequacies.

Halftracks are best used to anoy the hell out of your opponents, I agree they should be used in swarms and HT-only assaults mainly.....especially with over-sensitive opponents.

Op-Fire sucks, if people don't like the results they are likely to have a "PC failure" and have to reload the turn.....that's why you shouldn't use it and everybody knows it...

Bill Clinton was a fine President and so's his wife gonna be (Is she still his wife)? But I preferred Ronnie Raygun, although Arnie's going to get the law changed so he'll be up for it too.

England have the Best Rugby, Cricket and Football teams in the whole world..... just look at the recent evidence.....

Russian AT platoons are useful... like empty trucks used to be.

Can anyone tell me why all Germans are now called Germans, whereas anyone fighting in WWII was a Nazi? I find this insulting, even though I am neither a German, or a Nazi.....also, like when a Scottish sportsman wins at anything, why is he British, but if an English sportsman wins.. he remains English....

And why is it that final assaults on the last turn to win the game never fail?

I can't see why my post would annoy anyone either... :P comments anyone?

RE: It has been TOO long! - Von Earlmann - 11-13-2006

Welcome back Joe........and I thot both posts were "right on"

RE: It has been TOO long! - Glint - 11-13-2006

I'm afraid British lions failed dismally at the rugby,
lets keep it separate, lol!
us English can take the beatings, but we English will sort it out amongst ourselves!
Only jesting, but trying to keep the post running, lol!

RE: It has been TOO long! - Von Luck - 11-13-2006

LOL The main man is back/Randy's nemisis shark eater and good freind to see back on the MB.Nice to see you back Joe hope all is well and you can continue your smart MB posts and games.

RE: It has been TOO long! - Thor - 11-13-2006

FDLMAO! Welcome back Joe, jus ain't been the same without ya. Hurrrah!


RE: It has been TOO long! - Nort - 11-13-2006

Ahhhh. Now its a party.

RE: It has been TOO long! - Tide1 - 11-13-2006

Seeing that Wile E is back :smoke:

RE: It has been TOO long! - Scraps - 11-13-2006

WB Joe - how I have missed Coyote posts!

Patton was a brilliant lunatic.

HT swarms should be performed in the "Flying V" formation.

A pool cue is an excellent choice of weapon during a bar fight.

Jack always wins the bar fight in Dixie, Jose always in the desert.

Circle your wagons when preparing to assault.

Op-fire only ever works for the other guy.

Its hockey season - go Sharks.

Tide's pics rock.

We need more Coyote posts...

RE: It has been TOO long! - Harald Blauzahn - 11-13-2006

Welcome back, Joe!

The Monty-Patton discussion is - as allways - started from the wrong direction.
In fact Monty was the better man compared with Patton.
Look at pictures of both and you will realize, that Monty was the man with the better taste of clothing. He choose his uniforms with a much more improved sense of style than that Yank. Patton simply was a parvenue, remember only his silver plated 45s. Yikes!

Swarms of attacking HTs I only tolerate at my opponents.
That's why I like to play with Ed. He has an unique style to waste his HTs. :-)

Op fire is great, I agree. Esp. if you teammates forget to adjust it and waste it by shooting with infantry on enemy tanks or shooting with tanks at long range on enemy infantry. :angry:

No, you cannot reelect Clinton himself. But you may try Mrs Clinton.
And I will not make any silly joke regarding "you know"! :whis:

Regarding English football, I only say: The Wembly goal! Aaarrrrgghhh!!!! LOL!