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What Exactly Did Geordie do to get Banned? - Printable Version

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What Exactly Did Geordie do to get Banned? - Zemke - 11-29-2006

RE: What Exactly Did Geordie do to get Banned? - Copper - 11-30-2006

What does it matter.

Here in his own words taken from FraGMent.

Suffice to say I have not been entirely innocent in all of the Blitz machinations some of my posts have gone too far. In the last 6 months I have been determined that they would have to ban me even though I wanted to leave, call it the pedantic Scottish streak in me if you like.

He wanted to leave anyway yet he was determined to get banned. Doesnt that say it all.


RE: What Exactly Did Geordie do to get Banned? - Zemke - 11-30-2006

Well it does matter, it matters a lot when someone gets banned who is a member. I just want to know what he did? If he wanted to leave then I sure it matters not to him, but the precident does matter, so I want to know the reason.

RE: What Exactly Did Geordie do to get Banned? - Copper - 11-30-2006

Rule 19

We reserve the right to remove any member from the club for cause. Reasons for dismissal include, but are not limited to threats to others, cheating, or generally obnoxious behavior.

I think the last one hits the nail firmly on the head.


RE: What Exactly Did Geordie do to get Banned? - Wild Bill - 11-30-2006

RE: What Exactly Did Geordie do to get Banned? - Fullhouse - 11-30-2006

Out of Intrest Zem.

Do you not consider calling someone a "knob" trolling?

Im not saying thats a banable offence on its own but it can certianley constitute the proverbial straw.

RE: What Exactly Did Geordie do to get Banned? - Zemke - 11-30-2006

RE: What Exactly Did Geordie do to get Banned? - Fullhouse - 11-30-2006

Knob = Dxck and It wasnt actualy me he called a knob.

Also I dont think on the whole this kitchen is that hot. Yes the temprature has been high recently but I would say that is the exception and not the rule.
On other forums I frequent, mostly poker forums, this happens every day.

RE: What Exactly Did Geordie do to get Banned? - British Tommy - 11-30-2006

Can't we just drop this thing now and get on with other things?
What has happened is history now. I think most members are tired of the subject and to keep dragging it back up wont change any thing.

RE: What Exactly Did Geordie do to get Banned? - Zemke - 11-30-2006

I tried to delete the post, but it would not let me. All my questions have been answered.