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Advice/Opinion On Disrupted units... - Printable Version

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Advice/Opinion On Disrupted units... - Falkenhayen - 02-02-2007

Hi all,
I'm curious, once a unit becomes "D" disrupted what can that unit really do in helping your cause? If he cannot move closer to the enemy it would also seem useless to even fire with that individual unit as well?Is the best option to simply move the unit away from the enemy until the die is rolled on whatever turn and then the unit becomes "normal" again? Thanks Guys.

-Gary aka Falkenhayen.

RE: Advice/Opinion On Disrupted units... - Montana Mud - 02-02-2007

RE: Advice/Opinion On Disrupted units... - Digger - 02-02-2007


Disrupted units are still valuable units and the key is to get them back to good health ASAP. This means they need to pass their morale checks at the start of the turn. They can only do this if their morale rating is not reduced below their nominal value (which will be indicated in yellow) In this case if they pass their morale check their morale will increase.

IMHO the best was to bring back units from a disrupted state is to stack them sith a leader that exerts command influence over that unit. The Leader will add their command rating to the units morale or increase it by 1 if they are already at their nominal value.

I aim to establish rally points with leaders that I move disrupted units into to increase the likelihood of them returning to the fray. This allows the leaders command rating to effect the maximum number of units possible. This is easier when defending but possible when attacking as well. Difficult terrain (anything that costs 65 to enter) makes good rally points as disrupted units are vulnerable to overrun and their is nothing worse than watching a whole bunch of them get wiped out.

If it is not possible to establish rally points then make sure that they are stacked with healthly units or at least supported by them in an adjacent hex so they cant be surrounded and assaulted too easily. This is easier with infantry. With armour just move them out of the way and cover them with healthly units, by blocking angles of approach to the unit.

Hope this helps

Matt ~Digger

RE: Advice/Opinion On Disrupted units... - Mike Abberton - 02-02-2007

On the attack, if I have a few Disrupted infantry units adjacent to a hex I need/want to assault, I fire with the Disrupted units first to try and disrupt the enemy units. That saves APs for my undisrupted troops to surround and assault.

If my attacking line is moving or I am on defense, I generally move disrupted units off the line to rally points like the others have described.

RE: Advice/Opinion On Disrupted units... - Big Dawg - 02-03-2007

Also do not forget to move the disrupted units even if it is just sideways.

I often target a disrupted unit in the rear w/ my artillery in the hope my opponent forgot to move him.