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CMAK Scenario: FlakFront! - Printable Version

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CMAK Scenario: FlakFront! - Hagleboz - 02-26-2007

I'm also interested in plaing the CMAK scenario "Flakfront!" which is included with the game. I've already set up as the British. Any takers to be the German defender?

RE: CMAK Scenario: FlakFront! - Colonel Talvela - 02-26-2007

I think that is not a very balanced scenario - if that matters to you.

RE: CMAK Scenario: FlakFront! - Hagleboz - 02-26-2007

LOL, after our game almost anything will look balanced to me! :happy:

Dave which side is the disadvantaged player?

RE: CMAK Scenario: FlakFront! - McIvan - 02-26-2007

Unbalanced in favour of the Allies, so no aspersions are being cast on your character there as you're taking the tough side :)

RE:��CMAK Scenario: FlakFront! - Colonel Talvela - 02-26-2007

RE: CMAK Scenario: FlakFront! - Antoni Chmielowski - 02-26-2007

I played it recently as the Germans, and I agree that it is totally biased towards the Allies.

To disrupt the Axis all you need to do is get to the Axis deployment area and assault the Flak 88`s and prime movers - the Axis then cannot do anything.

I would avoid it like the plague.

RE: CMAK Scenario: FlakFront! - Hagleboz - 02-26-2007

RE: CMAK Scenario: FlakFront! - McIvan - 02-26-2007

Colonel Talvela Wrote:
McIvan Wrote:Unbalanced in favour of the Allies, so no aspersions are being cast on your character there as you're taking the tough side :)

you being sarcastic? I never played it but Bootie rated it as a '7' - which is the highest rating you can give pro-allies.

Two games posted here - both allies wins - and both posters rated it in favor to the allies.

but yeah jeremy, hard to imagine worse than the one we are playing
My mistake...I skimread and thought Hagleboz was taking the Axis....

RE: CMAK Scenario: FlakFront! - Monster Company - 02-28-2007

I would reccomend "Tiger Valley". its from the ROW tournament series and is a real nail-biter. I am in the middle of a game with Moneymaxx and this scenario keeps me on the edge of my seat in each combat replay.

RE: CMAK Scenario: FlakFront! - Hagleboz - 02-28-2007

Thanks MC, I'll look into that one.