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Super Panzerschreck - Printable Version

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Super Panzerschreck - Soldier - 05-02-2007

Playing a test game, with the allies. My axis opponent's Schreck crew, fired at one of my halftracks, from 180m.. hitting and destroying the vehicle with the very first shot.. :-(
Is that dumb luck or what!?

RE: Super Panzerschreck - herroberst - 05-02-2007

Sucks doesn't it? Lucky shot but I have had it to me and have had my troops do the same to someone else.

Could be high value crew with leader direction which helps immensley.

RE: Super Panzerschreck - Copper - 05-02-2007

Yeah in a Dpmination game against Rico I took out a PzIV with a 'zook from about the same range. Awesome stuff... not so goodwhen it happens to you though.

RE: Super Panzerschreck - Herr Klopek - 05-02-2007


Just looked at the clip - he was under leaders control. You should have heard the "Ja" when he got a hit.

When I used to play Close Combat ABTF - If you played allies you were afraid of those schrecks - they were deadly even at far range.

Okay 180m first shot is a bonus - but it was a big stationary target :smg:


To herroberst - I hope you're not waiting for my set-up file. I sent it out a long time ago but I had email problems. Get back to me if you want me to re-send