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Looking for a game - Printable Version

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Looking for a game - hex38 - 05-13-2007


I'm looking for someone to PBEM with. I'd like to play either CMBB or CMAK with preference for CMBB. I am flexible in my game preferences - email me with details at
hex8088 at yahoo dot com.

Thanks, hope to hear from you-

RE: Looking for a game - RedDevil - 05-13-2007

hey Joe,
I notice you've joined up with the same IP address as block65535 also, is this another account of someone sharing the IP with you?

If it is a duplicate, which account would you like me to delete?

We don't allow multiple accounts here, If it's to play on another ladder, you simply add that ladder to profile by holding down the control key while selecting ladders.

Let me know
