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Flare for Antoni Chmielowski - Printable Version

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Flare for Antoni Chmielowski - cargol - 06-10-2007

I know that it sounds strange a flare for one player with probably the most games in the Ladder but me although i ve tried to contact him i did not hear anything from him.Next step is to claim victory cause as it is mentinoned also in the rules of engagement thread it is It's EXTREMELY RUDE and ANNOYING to vanish without a trace.

RE: Flare for Antoni Chmielowski - CEV Gunner - 06-10-2007

RE: Flare for Antoni Chmielowski - cargol - 06-10-2007

I did not meant to be rude or to offend anybody, but as far as i understood rules are rules and they are meant to be kept by everyone.
Indeed he sent i a message about a month ago that he will reduce his turn rate cause of real life issues but since then he reported at least six games here at blitz ,posted at least 30 posts in numerous sites and still i did not hear anything from him.How you would react if you were in my place?

RE: Flare for Antoni Chmielowski - Ratzki - 06-10-2007

He is around, I will get on my turns here tomorrow so will let him know yuo are looking for him.

RE:��Flare for Antoni Chmielowski - The Coil - 06-10-2007

cargol Wrote:How you would react if you were in my place?

I would post here inquiring if he was about, in a a nice, polite, non-all caps manner...

Sometimes emails don't go through, sometimes people lose track of a game. Don't assume the worst. If he disappears, claim your victory and move on.

RE: Flare for Antoni Chmielowski - cargol - 06-10-2007

I ve just copy- pasted the first sentence of the discontinuing paragraph in the rules of engagement thread.If i offended anyone i apologise.

RE:��Flare for Antoni Chmielowski - Antoni Chmielowski - 06-10-2007

RE: Flare for Antoni Chmielowski - cargol - 06-10-2007

Issue has been solved.Thanks for the reply