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Out of curiosity... - Printable Version

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Out of curiosity... - Schwerpunkt - 07-16-2007

After playing for 4 plus years, I realized that there are many units I have not played in this game. The Allies are pretty standard, but the Germans have a huge variety of units.

Just off top, I have never played in a game situation:

Jagdpanzers (ANY variety!)
King Tiger

Any arty spotter bigger than 105mm (150mm one time), howitzer or rockets (Soviet rockets one time).
Naval guns as Allied

I am pretty comfortable with Panzergrenadiers and early Rifle Companies as they are well rounded with sufficient firepower for longer ranges. Gebirgsjager have great firepower as do Jager, but not much of it. But I also try to stick to realistic forces, so the Panthers, PzIV, Stug or Marder are safe anytime.

Just curious to see if I am alone on this one.


RE: Out of curiosity... - McIvan - 07-16-2007

No you're not alone, although I've taken alot of the infantry types at one time or another. But I've never bought a Tiger or anything more fearsome than a PIV or a Stug, barring one green Panther a long time ago, and did buy Hetzers a couple of time. There's also a heap of specialist and wierd stuff that I would live to buy, but rarity keeps it out of reach.

Personally I'm beginning to think that rarity is a blight on the game and should be dispensed with.

RE: Out of curiosity... - kineas - 07-16-2007

If you use rarity in QBs then you won't buy half of the stuff ever, simply because they are not worth economically. (And you are forced to use heaps of Stugs). Use random rarity, that yields more fun.

I think without rarity everything is priced to its 'battle value'.

RE: Out of curiosity... - Extraordinarius - 07-17-2007

RE: Out of curiosity... - Copper - 07-17-2007

the joys of the Cm buying system is when both sides agree to allow unrestricted kit buys and turn off that rarity feature, you can get some of the odd ball Equipment and enjoy watching it burn or pulverize the opposition.

if you're not playing with a little of everything the game offers, you're missing out on some fun :) loosen up and play and don't let the results bother you!

RE: Out of curiosity... - Mad Baron - 07-17-2007

RE: Out of curiosity... - Chipmunk - 07-17-2007

The flip side of the coin though is that if you select rarity off your opponent, rather than take the opportunity to buy exotic kit may just load up on the most uber like Tigers in late '42 etc. I usually don't go rarity off unless I'm playing someone I trust not to do this.

RE: Out of curiosity... - Copper - 07-17-2007

that's what the pre-game agreement is all about, allowing them to take whatever they please and you as well. then you're both already knowing that you will see those super tankies.. and it's up to you to figure out how to kill them..
all part of your challenge....

if you're not challenging yourself, how do you expect to get ahead? :)

RE:��Out of curiosity... - Colonel Talvela - 07-17-2007

McIvan Wrote:I've never bought a Tiger


RE: Out of curiosity... - Ratzki - 07-17-2007

I am a big fan of a pre-game agreement on units available to purchase. It stops the arms race and gives a better more evenly matched game. I don't think I have ever purchased a Tiger myself, come to think of it, but have enjoyed hunting them down on occaision.