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Jobu88 E-mail problems - Printable Version

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Jobu88 E-mail problems - Jobu88 - 07-22-2007

To Morglum, Emmet, Soldier, Dogface, and MrYormsha---

For the last 48 hours I have been unable to send e-mail. I can receive but not send. Got on MicroSoft's Help bulletin board & found numerous other people who have encountered the same problem within the last week. Not sure if it's a Windows Vista problem, or a Comcast.net problem, or what. I'll let you know what I find out by posting here on the message board.

RE: Jobu88����E-mail problems - Jobu88 - 07-23-2007

OK looks like a suitable work-around has been found & I can keep the turns coming while I figure out what the *@!^@%% is wrong with my normal e-mail account.