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Combat Mission ETO - Printable Version

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Combat Mission ETO - Soldier - 08-02-2007

Like to play a small scenario, from Combat Mission ETO.
Scenario title is; "B&T-Wiltz."
Any takers?
Pick your side! :-)

RE: Combat Mission ETO - raz_atoth - 08-02-2007

Send it over here,John.

RE: Combat Mission ETO - Soldier - 08-02-2007

Thanks man!
You've got it..
Which side would you like to play?

RE: Combat Mission ETO - raz_atoth - 08-02-2007

Well,give me the krauts.

RE: Combat Mission ETO - Soldier - 08-02-2007

OK. Krauts are yours!
I'll start the game as Allies and send it over..