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Opponents of Cos32 - Printable Version

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Opponents of Cos32 - Cos32 - 09-10-2007

Apologies for my very slow turn rate for the last few weeks. I'm currently refurbishing my girlfriends house, which is taking up most of my time. I have been too tired to even think about loading up CM most of the time.

This could go on for another month or longer. If any of you don't want to wait, I'm ok if you report a win in your favour. Just let me know in advance.

Very sorry


RE: Opponents of Cos32 - bluehand - 09-10-2007

Crap... OK. I won't claim victory(we only got to turn 3 or something).

drop me a line if you get a chance to fight again.

RE: Opponents of Cos32 - fluidwill - 09-10-2007

I'll wait mate, send when you can.

RL catches up on everyone from time to time.

RE: Opponents of Cos32 - Ken F. (FGM) - 09-13-2007

Can't you just hire some contractors for the "Honey-do" list, and start sending turns...?
I mean... really... Making brownie-points with the GF is more important than CM...?
How did this man get in here... anyways...? hehe...


RE: Opponents of Cos32 - Bubonicus - 09-14-2007

ok, thanks for the heads up...