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Future awards clarification - Printable Version

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Future awards clarification - PoorOldSpike - 09-13-2007

Now and again I might award a CM silver trophy to people in the CM community for one thing or another based on whether I think they've earned it.
Let me make it clear that anybody can win one, they don't have to be my pals.. :)
For example Koen recently blasted me in a couple of posts but it made no difference to me, he still got the CM Designers Trophy because he's an excellent designer, we holy men don't bear grudges..:)
Incidentally one of my future awards just before Christmas will be the 'CM Administrator Trophy 2007' to the guy who in my opinion does the best job of running a CM site in the way I like. There are several front runners at the moment.. ;)

"In a race all the runners run, but only one gets the prize..run in such a way as to get the prize" (1 Cor 9:24)
[Image: another-yard.jpg]

RE: Future awards clarification - Koen - 09-13-2007

Good Job POS,

indeed, i don't agree all the time with you write/do but you playtest a lot and as a designer I appreciate that.

administration award?well....
there's Bootiewho developed from a total web-nerd;) into a fulltime webdesigner over at FGM

there's Randy who's administrating a huge enterprise called 'TheBlitz', who's never afraid of trying something new and tries to keep it all together...recently [yesterday] I had a online discussion about playtesting and see...a new forum has been born....'Scenario designing and playtesting Area'

there's also MgK who's helping out wherever he can....

and there are more people investing freetime in OUR hobby...

it's constructive, it's positive...so I LIKE it...the way to go POSBig Grin

'the peacekeeper' has spoken:stir:


RE: Future awards clarification - PoorOldSpike - 09-13-2007

Koen Wrote:administration award?well....there's Bootie..

Er...he kicked me out of the FGM website last year so I'd say he now has to do quite a bit of running to catch up.. ;)

Incidentally I'd like to one day start a CM website of my own, as my ideas in all the forums I've been involved with so far have only scratched the surface because as an ordinary member i've only had limited powers..
The only solution would be to start my own CM club where I'm in complete command and could do things my way without interference.. :)
For example I'd create a string of fast-moving little tourneys, a simple uncluttered neat little ladder system, exciting subforums, quizzes, competitions, photo sections, video sections, special short knockout challenges,interclub contests, training section for noobs and so on, and buy lots of trophies and medals to award.
However I know zilch about the techy side of forum-creating so I'm at a dead end, I'm a wargamer not a computer geek.. ;)

RE: Future awards clarification - Koen - 09-13-2007

PoorOldSpike Wrote:
Koen Wrote:administration award?well....there's Bootie..

Er...he kicked me out of the FGM website last year so I'd say he now has to do quite a bit of running to catch up.. ;)

Incidentally I'd like to one day start a CM website of my own, as my ideas in all the forums I've been involved with so far have only scratched the surface because as an ordinary member i've only had limited powers..
The only solution would be to start my own CM club where I'm in complete command and could do things my way without interference.. :)
For example I'd create a string of fast-moving little tourneys, a simple uncluttered neat little ladder system, exciting subforums, quizzes, competitions, photo sections, video sections, special short knockout challenges,interclub contests, training section for noobs and so on, and buy lots of trophies and medals to award.
However I know zilch about the techy side of forum-creating so I'm at a dead end, I'm a wargamer not a computer geek.. ;)

you should look at it in a 'neutral' administrative way...not personal...

do you think I never have moments I think someone is doing the wrong thing on his board/forum/site? I did, but it still remains HIS board/forum/site.

Then discussions start and you try to get to a solution....

It's like war...your enemy sends a negotiator...what do you do?
You don't shoot him, not? No, you listen to him, you reflect the ideas and then you give him an answer...

What's a designer when he hasn't got playtesters/players?
What can players do without designers?

What'a boardowner when he's all alone on his board?


RE: Future awards clarification - Copper - 09-13-2007

PoorOldSpike Wrote:Er...he kicked me out of the FGM website last year so I'd say he now has to do quite a bit of running to catch up.. ;)

Indeed I did... at the time you werent a member of the Blitz and its a prerquisite to joining the FGM.

PoorOldSpike Wrote:Incidentally I'd like to one day start a CM website of my own, the only solution would be to start my own CM club where I'm in complete command

Been there done that... Pztwt had a real good looking website when he designed for the FGM but due to real life issues he was never there and the site got stale... hence my decision to go it alone and try not to rely on others.

PoorOldSpike Wrote:For example I'd create a string of fast-moving little tourneys, exciting subforums, quizzes, competitions, photo sections, video sections, special short knockout challenges,interclub contests

Funny... sounds like this site... www.thefewgoodmen.com

RE: Future awards clarification - The Coil - 09-13-2007

Since POS is impervious to logic and connected thought, I have decided it is best to respond to him only by quoting his own contradictory hyprocritcal statements.

It's nice when he makes them so close together...

PoorOldSpike Wrote:Now and again I might award a CM silver trophy to people in the CM community for one thing or another based on whether I think they've earned it.
Let me make it clear that anybody can win one, they don't have to be my pals...we holy men don't bear grudges...

PoorOldSpike Wrote:Er...he kicked me out of the FGM website last year so I'd say he now has to do quite a bit of running to catch up.. ;)

Anyway, why do people need awards? I think most people do what they're doing for the love of CM. I can't believe any of them would be so low as to be motivated by meaningless awards... Big Grin

RE: Future awards clarification - Copper - 09-13-2007

LOL... love of CM... come on!!!

Im only in it for the virtual silverware.

If I win any I will imaginary polish them up and place them next to the gold medal I won during Track and Field in 1988. Now that one came at a cost... bloody big blisters on my fingers... hell I couldnt play my air guitar for weeks.


RE: Future awards clarification - Cpt Courageous - 09-13-2007

You REALLY did earn that track award if you got blisters on your fingers! Track is done with your feet. You truly are an over achiever.

RE: Future awards clarification - Antoni Chmielowski - 09-13-2007

95Bravo(FGM) Wrote:You REALLY did earn that track award if you got blisters on your fingers! Track is done with your feet. You truly are an over achiever.

Well said Richard !:cool:Big Grin

RE: Future awards clarification - PoorOldSpike - 09-13-2007

And being unemployed I'd spend each day tending my own forum so that when the poor huddled masses get home from work, school or kindergarten in the evenings and switch on the PC, the first thing they'd habitually do would be to log onto my website and sit with a cup of tea scrolling through the stunning new dishes I've prepared for them.. :)

"One lump or two vicar?"
[Image: restingbrits.jpg]