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Flares for COMIVET & Squadleader - Printable Version

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Flares for COMIVET & Squadleader - OWL - 09-23-2007

Hey guys, i'm waiting for your files! Comivet the mails keep bouncing back!!


RE: Flares for COMIVET & Squadleader - cargol - 09-24-2007

I am also playing a game with Comivet but didnt heard from him for a week or so.

RE: Flares for COMIVET & Squadleader - OWL - 09-24-2007

OK thanks Cargol, next week i will post a total!

greets Owl

RE: Flares for COMIVET & Squadleader - cargol - 09-24-2007

I ve just been contacted by Comivet and our game is back on track,i ve told him to contact you also.

RE: Flares for COMIVET & Squadleader - CoMiVet - 10-06-2007

Hi everyone...

cargol, looks like you forgot to contact me about owl.


no one has any problems mailing to me... I am playing lots of matches and usually every day.
I am reading first time here in the forum so I did not get your flare sooner. The last mail of you was an awaymessage and I am still waiting for your files.

Do you have another emailadress to use?


RE: Flares for COMIVET & Squadleader - CoMiVet - 10-06-2007


I created for you a new email adress you can now use.
the adress is:

[email protected]
