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Question about Releases - Printable Version

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Question about Releases - tbridges - 11-17-2007

When a unit has a certain percentage chance to be released and fails the die roll and doesn't get released what happens? :chin:

Does it again have the same percentage chance on the following turn, or is it automatically released on the next turn? Or does it then have to wait till its spotted?


RE: Question about Releases - Krak - 11-17-2007

From my experience the fixed units have to be spotted again and then have the same percent chance of release.

RE: Question about Releases - Ricky B - 11-17-2007

Being spotted has nothing to do with releasing, although spotting! enemy units does, but spotting results in automatic release. As to failing to release, the same percentage chance for that release is used each turn until it releases, either by passing the check or having a second release for it scheduled, as some do, that it passes.


RE: Question about Releases - Krak - 11-17-2007

I have had units spotted, spotting, fired at, and even fire and still not release. Try a game of Crusader in T41.

RE: Question about Releases - Ricky B - 11-17-2007

If the fixed units can see an enemy unit at the start of their turn, they will or at least should release. I have never seen them not release, and if you have something showing them still fixed with a unit in sight, then please send it to HPS support, or I will be happy to look at it and pass it on. As you say, they can be spotted and fired on, even fire back, without releasing, IF the unit can't see any enemy units at the start of its turn.


RE: Question about Releases - Glenn Saunders - 11-17-2007

tbridges Wrote:> Does it again have the same percentage chance on the following turn,

To answer the basic question - >



RE: Question about Releases - Krak - 11-17-2007

What you say is right but I was referring to units that get shot at or shoot during a turn. It happens a lot in the desert games where high movement point units can move in and blast your troops and then move out of LOS before they end their turn. Its not a bug. Its just how it is. I would prefer that a unit releases if it gets spotted or spots at ANY time during the game rather than just if it starts its turn spotted, that makes more sense to me. But I would reckon its beyond the engine.

RE: Question about Releases - Ricky B - 11-18-2007

Agreed Krak! I think that makes a lot more sense too, just wanted anyone reading to understand how it does work, for those that don't know!
