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Dumb question - Need Help on Reinstall of CMBB - Printable Version

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Dumb question - Need Help on Reinstall of CMBB - von Nev - 12-30-2007

I reinstalled CMBB after a long while and installed some mods from CMMODs and when I play now there is a white space around words like the number of turns, victory progress, "Knocked out" or "Immobile" and such.

Any quick fix? Is it something to do with the mods? I uninstalled all the mods and still have the issue. Is this a graphics card issue? I got a new ATI graphics card but installed it months ago.


RE: Dumb question - Need Help on Reinstall of CMBB - Antoni Chmielowski - 12-30-2007

Von Nev,

I suffered the same problem and I got round it by reinstalling it to a different hard drive.

Hope this helps.

RE: Dumb question - Need Help on Reinstall of CMBB - von Nev - 01-02-2008

Reinstalling it did not fix it. Are there any other recommendations?

I will also go post this on the BFC CMBB board.

RE: Dumb question - Need Help on Reinstall of CMBB - von Nev - 01-02-2008

Looks like the problem is an ATI Radeon graphics card specific issue. Over in BFC CMBB tech support there is a link to some replacement BMP files that correct the issue.

Thanks all,


Here are the files that you need.