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Panzer-Dan and Sturmregiment - Printable Version

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Panzer-Dan and Sturmregiment - Sempai - 01-02-2008

Hm, what I should say? I sent two or three messages to each of you. Please mail me back!


Hm, was soll ich sagen? I sandte jedem von Euch zwei oder drei Mails. Bitte mailt mir zurück!


RE: Panzer-Dan and Sturmregiment - Ken F. (FGM) - 01-02-2008

Does "Panzer Dan" go by the name Dan Cleary...?

I haven't heard from that guy in ages. The strange part was, he had a strong attack going as we entered mid-game. He had my defense in a worried state before he disappeared...


RE: Panzer-Dan and Sturmregiment - Sempai - 01-02-2008

Oh, are you sure, that´s the same Panzer Dan? It would be my first battle against him. I will try to reach they both again two or three times. If I shouldn´t reach them (Pz-Dan & Sturmregiment), I will never again play against those guys.


P.S.: Thanks for the clue, Ken.

RE: Panzer-Dan and Sturmregiment - Ken F. (FGM) - 01-02-2008

Sempai Wrote:Oh, are you sure, that´s the same Panzer Dan?

P.S.: Thanks for the clue, Ken.

Don't thank me yet. I haven't heard from Dan Cleary in so long, that I forgot what his Blitz name is....
