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Challenge to Fluidwill - Printable Version

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Challenge to Fluidwill - herroberst - 01-26-2008

Old age?! Slacking off?! I challenge you to a scenario or operation neither of us has played or that we've both played :)

RE: Challenge to Fluidwill - fluidwill - 01-27-2008


thats the sound of my gauntlet hitting the dust!

House overun by preschool sleepover at the moment but I shall have a dig round for something suitable and you shall rue the day!

RE: Challenge to Fluidwill - fluidwill - 01-27-2008

What about HSG EW Tooth and Nail? (attached)
It would be blind for me and its not in your (fairly extensive :bow:) list of games played?
You may have your choice of side.

Seeing as this is a public challenge and all I'm going to see if I can work out how to do screenies and if I can get that up and running I'm going to DAR your humiliation. How do you like that? Old man....

RE: Challenge to Fluidwill - Herr Klopek - 01-27-2008

Har....this is one DAR I want to see.....