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88mm Pupchen Question - Printable Version

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88mm Pupchen Question - herroberst - 02-13-2008

In a game with M1A1 I am using an 88mm Pupchen for close range antitank. I moved it up undercover and it has a perfect shot at a Sherman at close range but I then discovered that it only has cannister ammunition and it has not fired before. Is this normal for Pupchen... I could have sworn that Pupchens fire AT and HE and C?
Search on Google was inconclusive. Needless to say, the crew is probably not long for this world.

RE: 88mm Pupchen Question - PoorOldSpike - 02-13-2008

Mate, adjust your monitor definition and look again at the Pupps ammo type, it was always issued with HC (hollow-charge) ammo (no other kind) which packs one helluva punch, it can even out-penetrate Flak88's..:)
Only drawback was the Pupps appallingly-slow muzz velocity and it'll therefore have a hard time actually hitting anything beyond short ranges..

[Image: Pupp.gif]

[Image: ger-guns1.png]

RE: 88mm Pupchen Question - herroberst - 02-13-2008

Okay, that's what I thought thus my surprise. I'll take a look... maybe I was bleary-eyed from processing the 40 + games I'm playing simultaneously :happy: