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Pripet Medal Awards - Printable Version

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Pripet Medal Awards - PoorOldSpike - 03-30-2008

Okay guys, I'm ready to graciously bestow Pripet Tourney cyber-medals which every competitor gets for completing his game, plus 50 bonus ladder points each (100 for winner Marshall666)
(Why Gollum? Because it took place in the Pripet marshes area of Russia, gettit?)

[Image: PripetMedal.png]

Just one thing - in order for me to go pin the medal and bonus onto your proud chests in the player stats area, I first need you all to CONFIRM you were a competitor.
That's because the tourney took place last year and i just want to make sure all my moth-eaten cobweb-covered records and memory are accurate.
So drop me a PM or e-mail confiming you were in it, thanks..:)
[email protected]

Right Gollum mate?

"hisssss....my precious pretty medal.....hisssss...."
[Image: gollu.png]

RE: Pripet Medal Awards - PoorOldSpike - 03-30-2008

And for new members here's what the Pripet Tourney looked like, it was a Meeting Engag scenario created by me but I was knocked out in one of the rounds.

THE MAP - Note the many small deployment zones around the map edges which meant you never knew where the enemy was going to be coming from..
[Image: pripmap.jpg]

Oblique view..
[Image: pripetV.jpg]

German force..
[Image: pripetT.jpg]

Russian force..
[Image: pripetU.jpg]

RE: Pripet Medal Awards - PoorOldSpike - 03-30-2008

Okay, so far I've pinned the Pripet Medal and bonus points to the confirmed competitors below,there are still more of you out there who qualify, so if your name's not on this list let me know and i'll award the med and points, and edit your name into this list..:)

Airborne Bob
Bert Blitzkrieg

RE: Pripet Medal Awards - Proniakin - 03-30-2008


Thanks for the 2 medals you've awarded me recently. My first in CMXX!!!


RE: Pripet Medal Awards - Copper - 03-30-2008

Hey POS... I think I played in this one.

RE: Pripet Medal Awards - Stndrtnfhr - 03-31-2008

POS, I too participated in this one, though I lost the first round to Enigma.

Stndrtnfhr Out!

RE: Pripet Medal Awards - dogface 65 - 03-31-2008

I should be in the list tooCry


RE: Pripet Medal Awards - PoorOldSpike - 03-31-2008

Ok everybody keep the names coming, and also tell me the name of your opponent too if he's not on the list so that I can piece together the names from from bits of info like an archaeological dig. (think 'Time Team')
When Pripet ended last year I didn't keep the list of competitors because I never thought I'd need it again, so when Randy recently suggested I award medals and bonuses I had no names except a few from memory and scraps of paper, and I can't get the names from the tourney thread because it's not around anymore..
Hey that'd make a great title for a film - 'INDIANA JONES AND THE LOST TOURNAMENT'..:)

TIME TEAM - http://www.channel4.com/history/microsites/T/timeteam/