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Do foxholes come in different sizes? - Printable Version

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Do foxholes come in different sizes? - Kelen - 04-03-2008

Now I've used this tactic umpteen times before but for whatever reason I've never noticed this so I'm somewhat puzzled. :conf:

The situation: When playing as defender I split my squads during set-up which means that each half squad starts the game in foxholes and therefore I can set-up a defence in depth with fall back positions.

Depends on the situation, but I often then merge the half squads back together and move up rearward squads to occupy the now spare frontline foxeholes giving me maximum firepower on the line and all with full morale.

Got it so far? Good.

In one of my current games though I set-up my defence as normal, started the first turn and then order my frontline split squds to merge by ordering one half squad to move to it it's buddy in the adjacent foxhole, however although the moves were carried out as order the half squads then proceeded to vacate the foxehole with their 'buddy' half squad in and move back to their original foxholes?!!! :eek1:

The foxholes where in various different types of wooden cover, the moving halfsquads where not under fire, or even in sight of the enemy.

Tried the same moves over several turns and apart from those halfsquads that literally on reached the foxhole at the end of the turn, the only way I could get them to merge was to order both halfs of the squads to move to just behind the foxhole.

Now I know buildings have 'size' and if you try and order too many troops into them the 'surplus' will enter and then move back out again, but foxholes?

To make this more confusing after merging, the full squads have no hesitation of occupying the self same foxholes, (which appear to imply that there shouldn't be a problem).

As I've said, used this on numerous occassions and not noticed any problems.

Any suggestions? :conf:

RE: Do foxholes come in different sizes? - Copper - 04-03-2008

Probably just a game design glitch as it thinks 2 seperate units are trying to occupy the one hole.

RE: Do foxholes come in different sizes? - RedDevil - 04-03-2008

perhaps you have a few overweight lads in your ranks and need some of them to catch some lead to make room :)

RE: Do foxholes come in different sizes? - Marshall666 - 04-03-2008

or you bring the two halfsquads direct in front of the foxhole together.when it is a full unit again,climb in the hole ;)

RE: Do foxholes come in different sizes? - Kelen - 04-03-2008

RedDevil Wrote:perhaps you have a few overweight lads in your ranks and need some of them to catch some lead to make room :)

Marshall666 Wrote:or you bring the two halfsquads direct in front of the foxhole together.when it is a full unit again,climb in the hole ;)

You know, you two aren't relly being helpful! :rolleyes:

RE: Do foxholes come in different sizes? - Marshall666 - 04-03-2008

Kelen Wrote:You know, you two aren't relly being helpful! :rolleyes:

what do you want to hear?if they dont fit in the holes,they wont fit!
bootie gaves the right answer.....
or ask pos,he can run a test,i dont have time for this.....

RE: Do foxholes come in different sizes? - Kelen - 04-03-2008

Hey easy tiger!

You and and RD gave a tongue in check, light-hearted reply and my reply was also intended to be taken in that manner, (apologies if it came across any different).

As my original post said I've used this tactic without problem on previous occassions and I was just wondering if anyone else has encountered it, or whether I was missing something this time around.

I appreciate that Bootie is probably right and it's just a glitch, (good ol' CM, gawd bless it!), and no, I don't think I need POS to run tests for it, (I can do that myself if I'm that bothered).

RE: Do foxholes come in different sizes? - Marshall666 - 04-03-2008

why was my reply light-hearted?when you have the problem you spoke about,you can clear the problem as i described above.it is an opinion,nothing more.
and sorry if i get sometimes sarcastic or easy with my language.dont know that all replys have to be serious.
now,back to topic!

RE: Do foxholes come in different sizes? - Nort - 04-04-2008

As a reminder, when you are setup up on defense, you can not only set your guys up in foxholes, but the game engine allows you to set up empty foxholes to provide you with fall back positions.

I am at work now and don't have the manual to point you to a specific page. However, I have done this before a many occasions. If I remember, I will look this up when I get home and post here again.

RE: Do foxholes come in different sizes? - McIvan - 04-04-2008

It is simply that two squads (or half squads for that matter) have to have a small separation between them.

You will see this when you set up a game....you can't put squads right next to each other, there is a small gap.

During a game, when you plot two squads to the same point (or close enough that you are infringing on that small gap), the one arriving last will get a new waypoint. If they came from a short distance away, it will be back to where they came from.

The game will only merge half squads back together at the start of your turn. So, if you got there in the middle of the turn and started heading back and are now too far away from each other, your squads won't merge. This is why it was only working for you when they got there at the end of the turn....so at the start of the next, they are close enough to merge.

I would hazard a guess that when you plot them both to just behind the foxhole, you are not plotting them to exactly the same spot, and they therefore are not "rebounding".