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Message from the moderator. - Printable Version

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Message from the moderator. - Copper - 04-29-2008

Hi Guys

A little review of how things are going at the minute.

Ive been moderator for all of 10 days but personally I can see positive changes have been taking place here and the Blitz in general.

We have the launch of Lord Banes Ardennes Campaign in a few days and the Escape from Falaise tournament has just been released for download for those involved.

Also we have set out a new map section that Ratzki s quickly filling with quality maps and Der Kuenstler is providing us with handly little mods in the new Mods section. (If anyone has experience of modding CM a little post telling the rest of us how to do it would be appreciated).

Also within the Blitz community we have the new Quiz section... RedDevil appears to be the professor of all things WW2 at present with SteelGod following closely behind.

2194 Days of War has been added to the site as well. It hasnt illicited any feedback but the number of views each thread is receiving has been encouraging.

Wigam and I have settled in well and although we have had a few mod duties to undertake the majority of things have gone smoothly.

In closing thanks for supporting us and joining in with the new tournaments etc we have brought to the Blitz. Just be sure to look out for more as we have a few more exciting things planned but we will be keeping wraps on them just now.

RE: Message from the moderator. - McIvan - 04-29-2008

Actually I think a lot of people had no idea the quiz and 2194 days of war etc section existed....(I navigate straight to this page, and its not part of the list of forum abbreviations up the top of the page).

So I would urge anyone who hasn't already seen the new General Forums to go and have a look....click "Message Boards" in the G3 list and scroll down to the bottom to have a look.

Well done to the both of you.

RE: Message from the moderator. - Hedgehog - 04-29-2008

I should like to add "Well done" to both Bootie & Wigam for there good work, and Dedication

cheers Ted

RE: Message from the moderator. - Copper - 04-30-2008

Bootie Wrote:It hasnt illicited any feedback but the number of views each thread is receiving has been encouraging.

I think you meant "elicited"... as the context of the sentence above takes on humorous new meaning with the use of "illicited".

: )

Cheers x3 to bootie and wigam...





RE: Message from the moderator. - Copper - 04-30-2008

Yeah your right... but I guess people knew what I meant. I write foe-net-ick-alli.


RE: Message from the moderator. - Mad Baron - 04-30-2008

Oh, okay. I just nav. straight to the CM message board, too, and had no idea about the quizes. When are new history or photo quizes posted? If you only pop in once a day or so, it would seem the daily quiz(es) will likely already be over...?

RE: Message from the moderator. - Copper - 04-30-2008

Nope... as soon as someone answers correctly they then post the next question.

There is also a little score table for added competition.

RE: Message from the moderator. - Mad Baron - 04-30-2008

Oops...and the 2000(+) days of war section is neat, too!

But maybe it could reflect ''today in history'' instead of beginning with Sept? (just a thought....) ;)

RE: Message from the moderator. - Colonel Talvela - 04-30-2008

between derring-dos and illicitations, i have been learning lots of grammar since you became the mod.

RE: Message from the moderator. - Mad Baron - 04-30-2008

Where are the new questions posted? All I saw was the threads with a Winner already designated.....