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Combat Mission: Shock Force - Printable Version

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Combat Mission: Shock Force - Der Kuenstler - 05-03-2008

Look at how much it's selling for now:


RE: Combat Mission: Shock Force - Bidermann - 05-03-2008

after some thought about this game and the hope it will get better,I removed the game form my PC and put the game in the loft!!

RE: Combat Mission: Shock Force - Antoni Chmielowski - 05-03-2008

I saw it for sale in the UK, in Game for £5.00.

The money stayed in my wallet !.

I did like the line tho in the advert that manufacturer has discontinued the product - was that due to poor sales ....

RE: Combat Mission: Shock Force - British Tommy - 05-03-2008

Shockforce+Battlefront= egg on face :)
No doubt soon you will find the game given away free inside your box of cornflakes.

RE: Combat Mission: Shock Force - Herr Schacht - 05-03-2008

I can't believe it even received 2 stars.

RE: Combat Mission: Shock Force - Okimaw - 05-04-2008

The real sad thing is that the last time I saw this game in stores around here, Walmart & EB Games it was still going for $39.99 last month. Maybe Canadian retailers feel as burnt as those of us that shelled out full price and are trying to make sure at least they can ge their money back :rolleyes:

RE: Combat Mission: Shock Force - enigma6584 - 05-04-2008

I'm glad I waited for the reviews and saved myself the headache and disapointment.

RE: Combat Mission: Shock Force - Der Kuenstler - 05-04-2008

Well if good sense doesn't convince Battlefront to stick with a winning horse then a maybe a good hard punch in the wallet will...

RE: Combat Mission: Shock Force - redbear415 (FGM) - 05-05-2008

well i dont think they are thinking on the wallet see this
I think they are making some money with the product. but i think we are not they targeted costumer.

This is the new module for the game. I think here is happening the same way that happen with the fly simulators they close up because the community was small and was no profit on that. They say that there is no room fro improvement on CMx1 so they move on to survive.

I don't think that after this module they will come back to CMx1, now the CMx2 is working more or less fine but it is boring play us vs Syrian. and the TCP/IP is laggy because of the data traffic. Also they don't expect the support of all the CMx1 community with this game, they think the same way with CMx2 WW2 they kill CMx1 no more of that except for the CMC campaign.