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Tournament Manager - Printable Version

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Tournament Manager - Mikey_FGM - 05-06-2008

I've had a project finished for a couple weeks now, and would like to present it to the Blitz for constructive criticism and play testing.

Mikey's Combat Mission Tournament Manager:


It a web-browser based strategic map.

[Image: MTM.jpg]

This is a screen shot of the dynamic strategic map... Units are moved on this map, and battles between them resolved through CM, naturally.

I have devised a system whereby a turn would proceed along the following lines...

- The Axis player makes his moves on the strategic map, and emails me the new units position. This is the movement orders screen:
[Image: MTM1.jpg]

- I update the text files that correspond to those unit positions, and reupload them to the website. The battles map changes. When two units occupy the same hex, a battle is generated.

-Battles are generated through the following screen:
[Image: MTM2.jpg]
This screen reads the unit strengths of both units, and spits out the battles parameters. The most important thing to understand about this screen is that the force ratio between the two units is maintain with the handicap value. See the FGM forum for more info on this.

-So, a battle is fought to its conclusion, and a result is obtained. This is where to report the battles:
[Image: MTM3.jpg]
As you can see, the first German Tank fought the First Soviet Tank, and won a minor victory. They both started at %100 strength on the strategic map. After the battle, German unit is %90, and Soviet unit is %70... -%40 for a total defeat, -0% for a total victory, -%20 for a draw, and everything else can be inferred form that.

-At the end of the turn, when all battles are done, reinforcements to replace losses are calculated by this screen. This would be done by a umpire, someone not participating:
[Image: MTM4.jpg]
Basically, the reinforcement pool increases depending on many flags you own on the dynamic strategic map.

This is what the points are worth:
[Image: MTM5.jpg]

So, that's it in a nutshell.

I'm holding a sign up for the first tourney, "Meeting Engagement", the map you see above.

I have the ability to run three tournaments simultaneously, so if there is enough demand, I will make maps and start them up...

There are only three slots open for "Meeting Engagement", but like I said, if there is enough demand, I'll start up the other two.

Here is a list of those interested:

RE: Tournament Manager - Vulture - 05-07-2008

It looks really good. Myself I don't have enough time to play though at the moment :(


RE: Tournament Manager - Mikey_FGM - 05-07-2008

Thanks Vulture.

Between the Escape from Falaise Tournament, Rico's Domination starting up, the Ardennes Campaign, and my North African Campaign tournament, I don't have much free time at the moment either!

But that's the beauty of this Tournament, at least from the point of view of the person running it... The Administrative duties involved with updating are minimal. That's why I made this little number, to make Tournaments a cinch to run!

So if there is anybody here at the Blitz who regularly plays quick battles, 1000-1500 points, consider signing up.

I had originally intended this to be a TCP tourney, but if your file rate is decent, then PBEM would play fine..