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An Appeal on behalf of Scenario Designers - Printable Version

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An Appeal on behalf of Scenario Designers - Hedgehog - 05-10-2008

Looking at the H2H message board there are a lot of games that are being scrapped, I think it could be the lack of interest by our players, which really is very short sited, we do need these Guys to keep up there great work, and of course the time they put in doesn't bare thinking about.......So come on guys next time you are looking for a game visit H2H production....If you are concerned about winning points they do come with play testing.

cheers Ted

RE: An Appeal on behalf of Scenario Designers - Koen - 05-10-2008

couldn't agree more....:bow:

RE: An Appeal on behalf of Scenario Designers - Mikey_FGM - 05-10-2008

Alright then.

I'll take a look at all of them.

Do I win a cigar or something? :smoke:

RE: An Appeal on behalf of Scenario Designers - Mr Grumpy - 05-10-2008

Ted is correct, we just cannot keep uploading more & more scenarios to the CM H2H section without any moving onto the approved list. :chin:

So i am afriad if the scenarios are not tested, in the end they will be deleted. :(

If anyone is interested in testing, there is a mass of info to help you contained in the sticky posts on the CM H2H sub forum (above the main forum).

Also Antoni Chmielowski (FGM) is your H2H custodian, he can also available to help you out. :)

RE: An Appeal on behalf of Scenario Designers - Maakt Droog - 05-10-2008

If someone wants to play test a scenario, I'd be happy to play the "other" side.

It can be a fun way to play a scenario. Sort'of a "no risk" way to play.

RE: An Appeal on behalf of Scenario Designers - McEvilly - 05-10-2008

I'm in for a game, glad to support our cause!

RE: An Appeal on behalf of Scenario Designers - The Coil - 05-10-2008

It might be helpful if there was an occasional "here's something that needs playtesting" thread in the main forum area. I bet most people don't really pay much attention to the H2H section, not because they don't care, but because they either 1) don't know it exists, 2) aren't sure what it is, or 3) just sort of lose it in the shuffle of sub-forums.

A bit of aggressive marketing might be helpful - just my 2 cents...

RE: An Appeal on behalf of Scenario Designers - Hedgehog - 05-10-2008

Mikey Wrote:Alright then.

I'll take a look at all of them.

Do I win a cigar or something? :smoke:

I don't think Flippant is needed here...Let's take it serious matey


RE: An Appeal on behalf of Scenario Designers - Copper - 05-10-2008

LOL @ HedgeHog. I believe he is getting worried as we always have at least one play test going on between us. What I enjoy about playtests is you can use it as a grounding for tactical ideas... safe in the knowledge that you will be awarded the points for a total victory even if you suffer a total defeat.

RE: An Appeal on behalf of Scenario Designers - Koen - 05-10-2008

The Coil Wrote:It might be helpful if there was an occasional "here's something that needs playtesting" thread in the main forum area. I bet most people don't really pay much attention to the H2H section, not because they don't care, but because they either 1) don't know it exists, 2) aren't sure what it is, or 3) just sort of lose it in the shuffle of sub-forums.

A bit of aggressive marketing might be helpful - just my 2 cents...

that is indeed a problem...I will advertise on the main board...:bow: